Long time no see...

Sep 03, 2009 10:38

Hey all!
I haven't been posting lately because life is terribly busy right now. The new library is nearly complete, and my days are full, full, full. School has started, my contemporary worship team is back up and running, and the church is in an uproar following the resignation of one of our pastors for a new call. To top it off, the culmination of three years of hard work by the church's Vision Team is about to take place, as they and a Synod mediator meet with the church leadership to present their recommendations. We are a deeply polarized congregation, and it could lead to schism. I've worked hard with these people for nearly ten years, across two terms as a congregational officer, and now I have no voice. I don't sit a committee (because they meet on my municipal board mtg night) I am no longer on council, and I'm disappointed to have put in years of work, research, discussion, planning and time, time, time, only to be kicked to the curb when it all comes to fruition. What a bummer. It's like having somebody else turn in a paper you sweat blood for and never getting the chance to find out what the grade is.

Otherwise, we're doing okay. Luke is taking a year off from school to work, since his financial aid package was $3000 below tuition costs for the year--never mind housing and books. We love our children, and it breaks our hearts not to be able to just cut a check for them to go to college, but the bottom line is that we can't borrow one more dime. It will take us ten years to pay off last year's parent plus loan, and he has a sister. The long and the short of it is that if we make up the difference through loans, a) Luke will be sentenced to lifelong, insurmountable debt because his chosen line of work doesn't match the cost of the education that qualifies him for it; or b) we lose our home. Helluva deal. Higher education is totally f***ed right now, IMO.

Erika began her Junior year on Tuesday, and so far, so good. There was a brief emotional meltdown regarding advanced math, but we think we've put some tools for success in place now.

It feels like autumn here already, with daytime temperatures barely at 70 degrees and nighttime temps near freezing. I want to be home nesting!

Special hugs to annearchy and kit_the_brave. Hang in there, sisters!
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