Apr 28, 2009 11:49
The day is here! It's finally here!!! After seven long years of being jerked around, put down, worked to death, laughed at, yelled at, told to shut up, told to wait, told to sit down, told to be happy with the crap I have, sworn at, lied to, and pushed, pushed, pushed from one side while being beaten to a pulp by the other; After four years of flipping pancakes, selling books, endless correspondense, ceaseless meetings, phonecalls, mountains of paperwork, conversations on street corners and in cafes and at the circ desk; After four years of organizing fundraisers and giving presentations to this group and that group and statements to this paper and that radio announcer and this TV station and that newsletter editor; After countless press releases, and fielding countless questions, through setback after setback after big frickin' setback...
We break ground today.