Nov 23, 2016 12:23
Typical scenes around my house:
"Toscana, get off the counter!!!!!! NOW!!!!"
*Toscana trots across the counter, flicking her tail with all the sass in the world*
"Toscana, stop scratching that!!!"
*Toscana looks at me like I have two heads with all the attitude in the world*
Toscana is my two year old cat. There is not a day that goes by where I think whoever coined the phrase "dogs have owners, cats have staff" was really on to something. It's a never ending battle of wills as to who is really in charge around here.
I would like to think I am really in charge. After all, it is my name that is on the deed and mortgage to the house. I pay all the bills. I am the one who dishes out the cat food and cleans the litter box. Those things practically scream "THE BOSS!!" Right?????
Yeah, in Toscana's mind, that is not the case. Cats view themselves as the ultimate in superior beings, and humans are their lowly servants. "My house" turned into "Toscana's house" the second I brought her home from the shelter a year and a half ago, and it's been mayhem, meows, and a 24/7 tussle ever since. Clean counters? Who needs that? Decent looking furniture and carpets? Pffffftttt!! Even privacy when I am using the "human litter box" is non-existent!! I will see a little paw under the door, or an entire feline body just barge right in, meowing like there is no tomorrow!
A typical 3 am will go something like this:
*me sleeping soundly*
"MEOW!!!!!" "MEOW!!!!!!!" *THUNK* *THUNK* (Translation: Get up,you lazy human!)
Toscana's need to assert her authority/thought that she should be fed/petted/whatever is on her feline mind at such an ungodly hour takes precedence over my sleep.
I will take the trots across the counter, the excess scratching, and even the 3 am wake up calls and no privacy in the bathroom. Toscana is giving me a reason to get up in the morning, and I rescued her so she can keep living and trying to tell me who is really in charge at home**.
**I still think I'm in charge.