Sep 27, 2007 21:53
so ive been feeling kinda frumpy lately so i decided that i deserved to go shopping. so last night after work i went out and got the cutest purse ever. its a kathy purse with crowns all over it-normally $85.00 and i got it for $40. its so hot. and i got a roxy hoodie and 2 shirts. then i decided to make a target stop and got a tote that says "home is where the ♥ is" its so cute. and 2 pairs of shoes. so i spent about $120 last night alone
and today i left school early cause i felt like shit- i woke up with 10 minutes to get ready for schoo.. no joke. got my pword, had the worst cramps ever-had no tampons, no motrin, no water or food or cash(cause i only use my debit card lol) and i was so dehydrated and i was like fuck this shit im going home
so 10 ibuprofen later i felt better and decided i wanted new makeup. so i cruise to target and end up spending $45 on makeup. who does that? honestly. so after that i was like alright i'm done. why does it feel so good to spend money? ugh.
and the n-word drama never ends. im just sick of it- the lies the excuses. i dont deserve that shit. its funny cause now im seeing who my real friends are. and who really cares. its kind of depressing seeing how many dont. oh well i'm over it.
even freakin espo texted me the other say just seeing how i was doing. i know, wierd. but kind of sweet? i dont know. its just nice to know that some people do actually want to talk to you.. like ive been talking to so many people that i was never really close with. just random people asking how things are going. and its like.. some of my good friends dont even do this. lol i call them and either get ignored, hung up on, and without a call back. funny funny funny.
tomorrows the school pep assembly. but its my short day of school. and i really dont want to stay just for the dumb assembly that i will have no one to sit with at. so i will probably just skip it. and homecoming's not going. its so shitty that im missing out on everything that i should be looking forward to during senior year. i just want this year to be over and just go to london and get a job there and be away from this ridiculous place and these ridiculous peopleeeeeee.
payday tomorrow. meaning, another shopping trip will be in store♥ yesss