ANGST is building!

Apr 06, 2006 09:19

The political mobilization of a few million Latin Americans over the last few days has finally driven me insane with ANGST!

Before I get on my high horse about it. It's probably worth pointing out exactly why this political mobilization has occurred.

Currently, there are two bills sitting before the senate both of which deal with the issue of illegal immigrants. Speciafically, they deal with latin american illegal immigrants. Amazingly enough, there's a measure supported by Democrats and one supported by Republicans and they can't agree on which one is best. The word compromise has lost all meaning in Congress and the senate.

Democrats back a measure that would grant most of the 11 million immigrants in America legalized status. It would also give them the opportunity to apply for citizenship after meeting several conditions including a payment of a fine and back taxes, passing a background check and learning to speak English.

Republicans want all illegal immigrants who have beeen in the U.S. for between two and five years to return to their countries for a short period after which they could re-enter the states as temporary workers and begin the process of seeking citizenship. Illegal immigrants here longer than 5 years would not be required to return home. Those here less than two years would be required to leave with no assurances of returning.

This has gotten the Latin American population (the largest minority in the States) completely outraged.

Now I think it's time that we take a moment to explain exactly how this country operates. The Constitution of the United States is a contract between the citizens of the country and its government. The rights and privledges spelled out in that contract do not apply to you if you have not entered into that legally binding agreement (i.e: you aren't a citizen.). This is spelled out in Section 1 of the the 14th Ammendment.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The key word in use here is Jurisdiction. In order for you to be protected by the state in which you reside, and therefore by the constitution, you must fall within that state's jurisdiction. The only people who fall into a State's jurisdiction are "All persons born or naturalized in the United States."

Now, bleeding heart librals will whine and cry and say, "But the constitution says 'No person' not 'No citizen'." And while that's true is a gross missrepresentation of what the constiution's role is. The Constitution was not written or intended to be a law for all persons in the world. It was intended to be the law and governing document of citizens of the United States. By proclaiming our support and paying our taxes we fullfil our part of the contract that is the Constitution. Illegal Immigrants don't do this.

In fact, Illegal Immigrants only do one thing really, really well... they break the freaking law!

In an intervew with an MSNBC reporter, Carlos Rivas, a 46-year-old construction worker born in El Salvador and living in the U.S., Rivas said, "I think the racism in this country has grown so much it's time to say, 'Enough'... Our community needs us to show that we're here, and we're not criminals."

His views underscore the views of many of his fellow immigrants (both legal and illegal). Now, Rivas is a legal immigrant, but the people he's supporting at this moment are not. An illegal immigrant is a person who has entered the country illegally. THEY HAVE BROKEN THE LAW. THEY ARE A CRIMINAL HIDING FROM THE LAW!!!!


Now, should they go to Jail... no. They aren't violent gangsters or anything like that. They're people trying to make a better life for themselves. They're just going about it in the wrong way. The right way to do it would be to become a naturalized citizen by leaning to speak proficient english and applying for citizenship. However, they don't want to do that. Instead, they flood into the country and take up every little labor job they can find to earn money "under the table."

There are 11 Million illegal Immigrants... Imagine how much additional tax revenue to country would have if each of these people had done things the right way. Part of the reason why the taxes you and I (as legal citizens) pay are so high is because we're spending millions of dollars to try and help these illegal immigrants and they aren't paying shit for it. They are taking away jobs from American citizens, failing to pay taxes and then they say they aren't criminals. Sorry there Jose! That's a criminal act in my book.

The Latin American community has picked a poor reason to stand up and fight now. Instead of supporting rights for illegal immigrants they should get behind one of the two plans currently before the senate. I'm partial to the Democratic measure. I think they should be allowed to stay, but that they should be forced to apply for citizenship, pay a fine for their crime and then pay back taxes due on all the income they made while working here. I don't think that's unreasonable. It may be harsh, but it's not unreasonable. Some of these migrant workers have been in this country for 20+ years. They're children are U.S. Citizens because they were born here, but they owe few thousand dollars in back taxes because for the past 20-something years they've been living as a fugitive from the law.

Pay up Esse! You owe this country and you shouldn't be allowed to stay here without paying your dues.
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