A long time coming...

Jan 22, 2015 14:12

You forget who the person was that raised you. The person who was there for you when others didn't have time for you. The one who dealt with all your issues and mishaps. You want to reconnect with the other side of you life? Fine, but do not flaunt it in front of your mother. She deserves better than that. She deserves some respect for what she was put through. She also deserves your help. You only got her mother's house and money because she couldn't handle the treatment she received any longer. In only a matter of days, it wouldn't have been yours either. The money from the sale should have at least partially gone to her, not to your new house. And the new furniture and tvs you just had to have. Yes we all want new shiny things but to shove that in your mother's face is simply ignorant and arrogant. She can barely afford her house or food for herself yet you have barely helped her. You asked what she needed for Christmas. If you don't know what your mother needs, perhaps you need to re-evaluate how much you are her life.

I can not believe the statements you have had the gall to make to her about how much the woman hated you. That diary is not something that should be in your possession or read by you. You only stayed in the woman's good graces to get whatever money you believed she had. Yes she hated you. She hated everyone. True family members accepted that years ago. Go back to sitting around complaining about how hard your life is now that you finally got what you wanted.

And you. You need to move past things and admit there are steps that need to be taken. Stop holding everything in. Stop acting like everything will just work out if you ignore it. It doesn't go away. It festers. It bleeds out to the people around you. You talk about how much the past has hurt you and what people are doing wrong. Take a step back and look at yourself. You are doing the same things to the people around you that she did. Expecting certain people to come running and when they don't, you get mad at them yet don't say anything.

This needs to end. I can not continue to live a life that supports an ever continuing pattern. I'm taking steps to end it. Reality is something that is hard to face but it needs to be done. I haven't lived the perfect life but I'm changing what I can now. I said my piece the people directly affecting my situation and I know it's not going to sit well. I've deleted people from my social networking sites who probably haven't even noticed because they are so self absorbed. But it's step one. It's being done. If you can't handle it or think I'm wrong for doing it, please feel free to remove yourself from my life. These steps are going to need support not negativity. I need to do this to end the cycle. If I ever have children, I refuse to the enabler of this.
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