I am ready to leave Southern California. I spent the past forty minutes packing my suitcase, getting my laptop bag squared away, the BlackBerry charged, and my reading material and iPod placed in the correct laptop bag locations. Isnt everyone a little anal-retentive about their laptop bag? Mine has traveled everywhere Ive been and I can easily find anything stowed in it without looking. I spent well over $150 on my last bag; it lasted four months and fell apart while in Germany. Mind you, my laptop is massive, finding a good bag is difficult. The love of my life is the
Lowepro Messenger Factor L. It may not have all the pockets and stowage that some do, this fits me perfectly and keeps me from over-stuffing the bag with needless junk, and that is truly important.
Jessica and the children are anxiously looking forward to seeing me. Id usually park at the airport. This time, though, the family took me which means theyll also acquire me. The children have been somewhat sickly making the week real slow for Jessica. Wednesday, Jessica woke up with what seems like an upper respiratory infection. Shes feeling better nowironically, just in the nick of time. To save Jessica, I planned a date afternoon with her. She wants to see
Twilight. Although its not my first choice, Ill probably end up liking it like I do every chick-flick Ive seen over the years. Well probably do lunch or dinner, too. She needs that special away from the children time. Its only fair to her.
Time to get to sleep; Ive got a flight at 7:49am. Im not a fan of waking up at 4:45am but getting home is all the matters.