Jan 25, 2005 18:46
ok...the alphabet game...because i have no life...things i love..........
A - apples
B - baking stuff
C - cooookies
D - dogggies
E - elephants
F - my faja
G - being a geek
H - hugs
I - igloos
J - juice....any kind..orange, apple, fruit, you name it!
K - kisses
L - love (and love notes)
M - my mommmmy
N - naked hugs
O - optimism
P - poker
Q - queens....university? i dont know...q sucks
R - restaurants
S - surprises!!
U - underwater cameras
V - valentines day
W - water
X - mXe (it counts,,im telling you it counts!)
Y - you..haha yes thats right, if you take the time to read this..i love you
Z - the zoooo
thats all for tonight folks...happy exam break!