
Feb 25, 2007 09:37

Why do people whine so much? Seriously. Your problems are not that bad. Everyone in the world has been through that, and we all turned out fine. Stop whining about it, stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop wasting your time wishing death upon those who have benefited from your situation change. Just grow up, live your life, and let everyone else live theirs. The more you whine about it and expect everyone to feel sorry for you, the longer it's going to take you to get back to "normal." And in fact, if you keep expecting everyone to feel sorry for you, those people who once were behind you 100% are going to get sick of listening to your constant state of depression and whining, and they're going to start avoiding you. And in some cases, they'll start to see things from the "other party's" point of view. They'll start to sympathize with those people that you're trying so hard to hate and make be miserable. It's true. And seriously, there are people out there with bigger problems than you. Stop trying to pretend like your little bitty problem is the biggest problem anyone has ever seen. Stop trying to pretend like "no one knows your pain and woe. ohhhhh woe is me!" Your problem just ISN'T that big. So get over it. Everyone else has, and now it's your turn. Shut up, stop whining, get over it and grow up. You're acting like you're 12.
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