just because.

Aug 26, 2007 17:48

i'm sitting here reading fargo rock city when my phone cranks out "time for me to fly" implying i have a new text message to read. in retrospect, nothing could be more ironic, or hypocritcal - depending on how you want to look at it. klosterman goes on and on for two-hundred and some pages about what it means to be a true heavy metal group, while REO speedwagon couldn't be further from this concept. this is not to mention the fact that nothing is less rock 'n roll than text messaging. polar opposites dominate my life and probably my personality. though my music collection contains metallica, led zeppelin and def leppard, one could also bless their ears with the sounds of brittney spears and bewitched (a chick band that disappeared far too early). i'll be the first to admit i'm a sucker for something catchy; this is why i'd give my left arm to see spice girls reunited in one of the eight cities they'll be touring. and all the while i could still settle down, get stoned, and listen to the mars volta for days on end without once denying the sheer musical talent and complexity of it all.

i would never deny an artist's talent. i cringe when i'm forced to listen to dave matthews band for an extended period of time, but i'd never argue his abilities. the man's got talent; the music was just ruined for me by someone in the past. it's like getting food poisoning and never going back to that restaurant again - you just don't want to relive that period of life. it really irks me when someone says "i like everything but country". you don't have to like country; i couldn't possibly care less. but labeling it all with the hick title, and trying to say that it all sounds the same is absurd and also, very annoying. country music fans are unlike any other i've never encountered; they just want to have fun. all we want to do is drink a beer, wear some jeans, and sing along with some guy who writes songs about things going on in our lives - no hate. i will openly admit there's nothing complex about country music, but it feels good. these people with their "everything but country" answers drive me up a wall. everything? really. so you'd be okay with nine consecutive hours of opera music? or does this really mean that you have both 97.9 and 104.5 included in your radio pre-sets? you're very cultured with your nickelback and chingy, i realize (almost as certain as your understanding of my sarcasm).

this brings me to my next point. there is NOTHING good about nickelback, three doors down and all of those other bands that sound exactly the same. and if you're going to listen to them and still put country music down, you're an idiot. i mean "idiot" in another sense, other than the nascar-loving, cut-off t-shirt wearing sense that goes hand-in-hand with listening to nickelback. nickelback is country music with a deeper voice and a trashier (yes, trashier) fan base. i hate myself for knowing the words to "rockstar" and "photograph" because it's not good music at all. it's just some love-sick guys with deep voices grunting about drugs and/or some chick. that tangent was unnecessary.

polar opposites. i'm all about them, and i don't care even a little. i like kissing, but i'd never do it in public. priding myself on being one of the boys, i own more shoes than most people combined. and now i'm giving up on writing - something i love, to go with my mom to meijers - a place that i hate.

pointless, and to the point.
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