Mar 22, 2009 14:04
Honestly the most I can say for my tiny little world is that it barely seems significant in the commings and goings of things. The last two days have seemed like just one blurred mess. I am not more then a simple person at heart and don't crace for a lot of things. This is probably why when you throw me in a room with ten or so people I don't know who are heavily intoxicated, the moment I walk in the door, I'm not going to be all that social. There is a very big difference between the way I am with people I know and the way I am with people I don't. Don't get me wrong though because I don't hug the wall and pretend to be invisible, but I am not loud and out going either. It's sort of a calm middle where I just sort of watch drunken people do crazy stupid shit and try not to tell them they are all funny idiots, especially when a couple of them are friends and I could say stuff like that to them without them being offended. They know how they get when drunk or angery and upset. Yeah I love my friends, the very few I truly have, to death. Sometimes though it's hard not to think that what they are doing is stupid and so not good for them. It's hard to explain things without going into detail and considering the context of that detail and how it could stir the pot if certian people read it and were hurt by those details being revealed or remind of it I would prefeer not to hurt anyone like that and so won't be posting or divulging any secrets to anyone about what happened so don't ask. If you have ever been to one of this certian friends' house parties then yeah you get it and would understand some of it and the rest is burried and doesn't matter cause it's not even any of my business let alone anyone else's.
However I will admit that lastnight wasn't nearly as bad as the first and it was far more entertaining. Even the drinking was calmer. If I haven't mentioned it I do drink, but I am not such a huge fan that I have to get plowed if I do drink and for that reason I rarely do drink. Again though lastnight was fun because after all my sister-in-law computer issues I got to go hang out with friends and vent about my new hate for hps and then play board games.
I don't know why, but I have always been a big fan of board games and games of just about any kind. Guess it's the kid in me.