Sep 17, 2007 13:51
Man... I don't know how I manage to get NOTHING done, yet STILL have time fly by so fast.
I'm totally behind on all of my homework. As usual. Today I had a Japanese vocab quiz, and I didn't even know it! Lame desu.
I just have so much reading to do, it's disgusting. My Buddhism class was assigned four articles to read over the weekend. FOUR!!! That's a lot! Grr. Argh. Yarr...
I STILL haven't finished my fanfic. That makes me sad. I'm in the middle of the last chapter right now, but I don't let myself work on it. but I do let myself waste time on the internet.
It sucks always having shit to do. I'm also the garden manager now, and naturally I'm an overachiever. So I'm always doing a lot of work with that too. I feel bad that I don't talk to any of my online friends anymore. If any of you are reading this... dude, I am SO sorry. I'm lame. I know.
I think overall I'm just tired. I need to get caught up in my homework. Then I need to get a job. Then I need to get an RA position. W00t yes. So I'm going to go do that now... let's see how much reading I can get done before I have to water the garden. *smacks self*