Nov 12, 2007 12:35
Sorry about my sporadic posts...I've been busy, and in transfer between jobs.
Today, I find myself feeling down. I went to church this past sunday, and the priest gave a speech which has touched me and left me drained.
Basically, he said we're all going to hell.
The rest of the speech doesn't matter much, but he said we (christian people) tend to do things, and then ask for forgiveness...but most of the time, we don't even know what we're asking forgiveness for...
At my work there are people (including me) who come to work, and clock in...and then spend at least an hour talking and doing nothing. That means EVERYDAY, I lie, cheat, and steal...and never ask for forgiveness for that.
I lie by clocking in, saying that I'm doing work...
I cheat by adding hours to what I'm really working...
I steal by getting pay for time I did not earn...
It's not only myself, but seeing others do it, is it just as bad not saying anything about it?
We christians (catholics, protestants..whatever...we're all the same) tend to ask God to "forgive all our sins", but..if we don't even know why we're asking for forgiveness...should we expect any? and if we ask for forgiveness, and then do it again the next day..should HE give us any? is with a heavy heart that I'm writing this post...maybe I'll feel better later, but for now, I'll think more on it.....