Oct 30, 2007 23:42
Oh, Voodoo Fest. What the heck were you thinking?
I loved the music. Most of the music was fantastic, and some was lackluster to say the least. I have to say that after spending most of Friday thinking about New Orleans and Katrina, and then listening to three different bands rage against the machine - including the band Rage Against the Machine.
"It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime
What better place than here
What better time than now (All hell cant stop us now)
All hell cant stop us now (All hell cant stop us now)"
-Rage Against the Machine "Guerilla Radio"
I am dissapointed in the state of affairs in this country right now. When Zack de la Rocha bent down on the stage, told us all that America wasn't only at war in Iraq - we're at war in America, against New Orleans, and asked us all to wake up - I felt something in me. New Orleans isn't what people (the media) make it out to be. Why aren't we more outraged by the way this country is going right now? Why aren't we standing up for something like generations before us have stood up for something? Why doesn't anyone listen when people do stand up?
I feel like that John Mayer song is very applicable as well. I hate putting John Mayer lyrics with Rage lyrics, but it works.
"now we see everything that's going wrong
with the world and those who lead it
we just feel like we don't have the means
to rise above and beat it
so we keep waiting
waiting on the world to change"
So, here's the issue with that John Mayer song. I think de la Rocha would smack Mayer. He would say we do have the power to bring our "neighbours home from war". Look at what our parents generation did for 'nam.