Jul 11, 2006 17:55

So being extremely bored last night... we decided to go to moon rocks.

Hadn't been in a couple years so it seemed like something to do. I was with like 10 people.

We get up to the top after passing like 9 signs that say no trespassing and there were like 20 other kids up there... all who I'm pretty sure were under the age of 18. They were all drinking having a good time, being loud. After about ten minutes of being at the top we get over it and we decide to walk back down. After we get about half way down we run into two cops, one who has an extremely large machine gun looking thing. He was pretty cool, just ran some of our licenses and sent us to the bottom to meet another officer who he said would write us tickets and send us on our way. I was pretty pissed at this point because I didnt want a ticket, but then again we did trespass. So at the bottom we are waiting talking to this cop lady. She finally calls the first cop and asks him what she should do with us. By this point the two cops with the HUGE gun were already at the top and probably realized they had to deal with a LOT of underaged kids who were extremely drunk. SO the nice lady cop told us that if we sang her kumabya (or however you spell is) we could just leave. So we sang her the stupid song and drove down to davenport without a ticket!!!
I can say that underaged drunk kids saved me from getting a ticket!!!! woooo
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