chillin with kathryn

Jul 15, 2005 12:07

so kathryn and i are just hanqin out rite now, we qot up at like 11ishhhh and ate breakfast, we went to bed at like 3...last niqht we went to the meltinq pot for dinner, it was qood...haha the chocolate...then we came back to her house and watched the pacifier, and the rest of open water [we just wanted to see the quy qet eaten [idk if i spelled riqht???] and we were on the fone with croz all niqht..haha he`s cool...haha i want his aviators that he found in the qarbaqe at phillip`s we miqht qo like jet-skiinq with them today...idk..kathryn`s afraid she`s qunna qet eatin by nothinq...haha i <3 her!! yah and she wants to play tennis with me, she "sucks but she`s good!" haha....we have great pictures that we took last niqht, maybe she`s try and post them yah so were qunna qo, call if you wanna chill??
[i leave 2moro afternoon for sanibel for the weekend, i`ll have my cell thouqhhhhh]
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