Someone verbally attacked my sister, called her ignorant, anti-semitic things.
obviously, I had to find out why.
If you actually read this, take note on how the only points he makes are invalid.
andrew_levenson: i'm sorry, but my sister wasn't able to come up with much of a valid argument. would you mind if i picked up where you two left off?
kallistos000 : why am i not surprised?
andrew_levenson: surprised by?
kallistos000 : that she couldnt construct an argument
andrew_levenson: oh, rage does awfully funny things to people, you know.
kallistos000 : thats true, its an emotion that interferes with rational thought
andrew_levenson: so then, it's true that you have no reason to be surprised.
andrew_levenson: but here i am, with no feelings to obstruct.
kallistos000 : im not shocked
andrew_levenson: care to continue your intriguing argument?
kallistos000 : i wouldnt even know where to begin, the scope is so massive
kallistos000 : we'd have to argue a specific point
andrew_levenson: alright, i'll let you pick.
andrew_levenson: what about us "kikes" pisses you off the most?
kallistos000 : i dont actually get pissed at jews
kallistos000 : you do what you do out of your nature
andrew_levenson: and what is it exactly that we "do"?
kallistos000 : i dont fault you for that. however, i am opposed to it
kallistos000 : usurp
andrew_levenson: usurp? oh please, do elaborate.
kallistos000 : ok, lets take the news and entertainment media in the US
kallistos000 : lets not even think of usurpation
kallistos000 : its natural for any group of peoples to want to control something or want to preserve themselves
kallistos000 : thats human nature, and we are organisms, and thats what organisms do..they comepete for survival
andrew_levenson: and what does this have to do with jews in general?
andrew_levenson: or, jews at all.
kallistos000 : im getting to that
kallistos000 : this is really A LOT to explain
kallistos000 : it would help if you at least had some background in national socialism, which you dont
andrew_levenson: i have time.
kallistos000 : why dont i just send you some links to bring you up to date, then we can discuss it all youd like
andrew_levenson: oh no, i'd like to hear your explanation, not a websites.
andrew_levenson: i mean, you sure attacked my sister pretty strongly, so you no doubt have a lot to back you up.
kallistos000 : i do, but i dont feel like typing until my fingers fall off
andrew_levenson: until your fingers fall off? let's be reasonable. what are the odds of that happening?
kallistos000 : remote
kallistos000 : but you get the figure of speech
andrew_levenson: i'm willing to risk your fingers to be enlightened by you.
andrew_levenson: how could i get the figure of speech? i mean, i am just a jew.
kallistos000 : i never said jews werent intelligent
andrew_levenson: oh sorry, did i jump the gun?
andrew_levenson: i figured you'd get to that.
kallistos000 : listen, you choose a specific topic, and we can debate it
kallistos000 : otherwise its just going to be a long drawn out explanation
andrew_levenson: i'd rather get it all
andrew_levenson: but lets start with the usurping
andrew_levenson: you brought that up fairly quickly.
kallistos000 : ok, lets take a look at US policy
kallistos000 : and a comparison between US policy and the % of jews in this country
kallistos000 : in fact, thats even too broad
andrew_levenson: % of jews in america? that's what, 9-11?
andrew_levenson: compared the the percent of jews in the world, which is comfortably at about .2
kallistos000 : 2.5% in the US
andrew_levenson: really?
kallistos000 : yes
andrew_levenson: i must be recalling old figures
andrew_levenson: we're not at 220 million anymore, are we?
kallistos000 : worldwide?
andrew_levenson: no, nationwide.
andrew_levenson: number of americans
andrew_levenson: i know there's approximately 20 million american jews.
kallistos000 : i think we're at approx. 250 million americans
andrew_levenson: ah, my mistake.
kallistos000 : its all aprroximates
kallistos000 : anyway...
kallistos000 : we provide more foreign aid and support to Israel than any other country
kallistos000 : why do you think that is?
andrew_levenson: actually, i think now you're mistaken.
andrew_levenson: actually, we provide more aid to india and africa
kallistos000 : sure, africa collectively..but i meant a singular country, not an entire continent
kallistos000 : and im certain your figures are wrong on india
andrew_levenson: how so?
kallistos000 : because its a well known fact that Israel receives the most amount of foreign aid from the US
kallistos000 : we can either agree on that or we can take a moment to try and prove each other wrong...
andrew_levenson: for now, we'll assume that you're correct
andrew_levenson: now, take into consideration that no other countries provide any aid to israel. at least, nothing substantial.
kallistos000 : why should they?
andrew_levenson: and then, think about that fact that israel is only 1/2 to 1/2 jewish.
andrew_levenson: 1/3 to 1/2*
kallistos000 : do mean that the other 1/2-1/3 are palestinians?
andrew_levenson: no, approximately 1/3 are christians, and the rest are muslim.
kallistos000 : ok...fine
kallistos000 : back to the aid
andrew_levenson: you seem to have shifted gears pretty fast, there
andrew_levenson: did you not know about the high christian population of israel?
kallistos000 : im aware of that, but whats your point?
andrew_levenson: well, when we provide aid to israel, it isn't just to the jews residing there
andrew_levenson: but also to everyone else.
kallistos000 : i cant debate your figures on the 1/3 beign a christian muslim mix, but i do find it unlikely the numbers are up to 33%
andrew_levenson: oh, i'm sure you'll be surprised.
kallistos000 : ok, specifically not all of the money goes to jews...assuming that it is evenly spread among the people (which is not how foreign aid works), 66% of it would go to jews...(assuming your figures are correct)
kallistos000 : the fact is, israel is a jewish run state...the aid goes to support the apparatus of the jewish government there..why is america sending vast amounts of aid to support the governement apparatus of israel?
andrew_levenson: because no one else will.
andrew_levenson: without the help of america (who if you didn't know, supports everyone equally), israel would stand little chance.
kallistos000 : thats not a good enough reason...why should the US, or any other nation provide foreign aid to israel?
andrew_levenson: well, i'd like a reason why they shouldn't.
kallistos000 : so what? why should the burden of supporting israel be on the shoulders of the american populace when jews only make up 2.5% of the population?
andrew_levenson: 2,5% is awfully low
andrew_levenson: and awfully incorrect, imight add
andrew_levenson: run those numbers again. since when is 20 million 2.5% of 250 million?
kallistos000 : ok, lets say its 10%, which i know is way high..even if its 10%, theres absolutely no logic in that nation receiving the priority of foreign aid
andrew_levenson: well, who else in the world can use the foreign aid
andrew_levenson: that we don't already supply it to
kallistos000 : thats your answer?
andrew_levenson: i guess it is, if you count the socratic methods of discussion.
kallistos000 : who else in the world can use it, we may as well give it to israel?
andrew_levenson: no, i want to know who else can use it so badly that we can't help support israel?
kallistos000 : now youre getting into the budget and how it ought to be spent...
andrew_levenson: oh i'm sorry, is that a touchy subject?
kallistos000 : first of all, foreign aid should be drastically reduced worldwide
andrew_levenson: and let me guess... israel is at the top of the cuts list, right?
kallistos000 : but i can list a handful of nations that could use it more than israel and that are more deserving
kallistos000 : russia, germany, any of the former eastern block nations
andrew_levenson: russia and germany are self sufficient.
kallistos000 : so? they are kinsman, our money would be better spent supporting and strengthening our kinsman and building alliances than supporting israel or some nation in africa
andrew_levenson: if i'm not mistaken, israel is our kinsman as well.
kallistos000 : even you can appreciate that. youre arguing for the support of your kinsmen in israel
andrew_levenson: or at least, that's what we say in the UN
kallistos000 : of course you are
kallistos000 : i dont fault you for that
andrew_levenson: my kinsmen in israel? please. i don't have any real connection with that land.
kallistos000 : but, i dont agree that my people ought to support your people in any way
andrew_levenson: if you didn't know, i'm not arguing from a jewish standpoint, but rather a neutral one.
andrew_levenson: if you give me good reason to believe your point, i can accept it.
kallistos000 : we'll have to continue this later
kallistos000 : i have things to do
andrew_levenson: like some more research?
andrew_levenson: got it
andrew_levenson: contact me when you have the time.
kallistos000 : sure