Brain malfunction

Nov 09, 2007 00:39

I didn't get home until eleven tonight.  I'm exhausted and I have my energy drink in front of me.  I have criticism in front of me on my desk, some more criticism on my bed, and even more on my nightstand.  I can seriously make a small book with the all the paper I have.  It's insane.

I know I need to get through some the stuff I have on my pages is a little over thirty with two pages of the journal article shrunk down to one page.  A lot of reading I am bound to get done tonight, or at least try to get done tonight because I have shite load tomorrow concerning my World Lit research.

I kind of got screwed over from lack of luck with presentation sign ups and I got stuck with the day before Thanksgiving break, the same day our annotated bibliography is due in the class. I was hoping to have some time to do it over break but no.  Basically the presentation is my paper and I have to plan/write my actual paper within the next week.  Which makes me feel crazy on the inside.  And mind boggling.

I hate structuralism.  I've been doing a lot of research on multiple topics.  Things are beginning to run together and lose their meaning and sense.  One thing is trying to relate itself completely unrelated to another.  Somethings can be used but it makes me feel stupid trying to relate everything.  There's this one theorists, Mikhail Bakhtin.  He did a crap load of stuff.  He has a ton of theories and information and stuff.   People have written crazy amounts about his stuff and I know I can use him somehow but I can never find the exact information.

It feels like I am in over my head.  Like I bit off more than I can chew.  I can't focus nor can I even stay up or focus for that matter.  I got home too late.  I am crashing from the caffeine from earlier this evening and the energy drink isn't doing anything for me.  That's sad.

I can't focus.  I can't even type straight. I'm curling up in bed and trying to sleep.

Watch though as I don't fall asleep till two in the morning.

Super duper.


literature, common sense, college, paranoia, rambling, writing, caffeine, wtf?

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