Awful cooking wins again.

Oct 23, 2007 18:04

Who sucks at cooking?  I do! That's who!

Okay, so I bought some chicken and marinated it with my own marinade (no planning necessary).  I had this grand elborate plan to make myself an awesome dinner with no recipe.  Well, when I skewered up the chicken on the George Foreman, it turned out pretty gosh darn good.  Well my plan called for pasta and I was going to marvel at my own brilliance.

Wrong planning with the wrong pasta and screwing that up.  One thing leads to another and I made a really crappy, watered down tomato and pasta soup with have of my decent chicken thrown in.  It isn't terrible.  Just pathetic.

No amount of Tabasco in the world can make it taste decent.  Good news, I have dinner for the next week so long as I keep watering it down.  It has some potential in the future perhaps but this try was just horrible but the food is still edible.   Thus far (and that is the important thing).  My chili last week rocked but this was just a joke.

I just hope I haven't dropped rocks in my gut tonight.  So, what till then?

cooking, within temptation, music, apartment, accidents, common sense, wtf?, first

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