I don't know. What do you want to do?

Apr 21, 2007 20:34

I was a nervous wreck this morning before presenting at Paideia today, mainly because I easily get nervous before presenting in front of people.  Click the cut to read more.

So, all that...drama (drama is a nice word) that I put myself through this early morning. The actual presentation itself went fairly well, at least I was told. Probably some of the most nerve racking minutes I've had in awhile but it is every time I get up and present on something that big. So, my parents did come, I had a gaggle of English professors there including the department chair and my faculty mentor that helped me do all this, Dr. M. She really is a wonderful professor and helped me so much on this.

So after the initial shock of getting it over with and finding out that speaking on a topic I've researched over the past year won't cause me to burst into a giant ball of flame, I think I want to do it again next year. On what? Haven't an idea except I want it to do with literature.

Let's use that as a transition. After I did my little presentation thing, I took the parents back to the dorm room to grab some stuff and to change out of my outfit. (I usually wear jeans and a tee-shirt because I hate dressing up; when I did dress up today, a lot of people didn't even recognize me). We went out to lunch, talked about what the future holds, especially the near future this summer with school ending in two weeks.

Initial Musings

I need a job: I've been contemplating calling the place I've worked over break and last summer because I know there is a good chance I can be placed back on the schedule, even if I don't want to work.

I might need to get two jobs: I need the money and the "experience of the work world" that might include working office duties in my uncle's company. Another person I need to talk too.

Speaking of jobs, what the hell are you going to do with an English degree: ah, the age old question. Obviously not teach primary or secondary because I don't like kids. Go to grad school most defiantly because that is one of those things I want to do in life and not regret because I never did. Thus being said, this could lead to my Masters and (dare I even say it)...maybe PhD involving Literature. I would like to do that. But what about jobs? My concretion is in writing with classes in technical writing I am taking. Everyone needs technical writers. If I had it my way, I would be focusing in Lit.

End Musings

So a lot of things to think about and consider. A productive day overall. Now, all I need is the photos for a project so I can add the text and throw it all together for the group...if I ever get the e-mail. Until then, I have a fifteen page paper to refine and tune that counts a majority of one of my grades.

So after all that, I crashed from four to about close to seven from a lovely nap.  Today was well worth the anticipation I had built for myself, though it did make me lose sleep.  This is typical.  I'm going to work on my 223 paper.  Cheers.

work, literature, life, college, family, rambling, reflection, future, sleep, achievement

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