Warning: I'm about to be very geeky.
Okay, some I'm gonna be super geeky now because I can't "really" get onto livejournal and read my friends page or go post comments in the BSG community on LJ. I'll try tomorrow. But I can post reactions here thanks in large part of an lj cilent! Mwahaha. I was spoilerified with the season the finial but it still left me speechless.
Literally it did leave me speechless and then I wanted to start screaming because the wait till 2008 is long. There will be an extended episode sometime in September but that is long too. Because I have a birthday in September.
Anyways. Bob Dylan is god. I refuse to believe Starbuck is a cylon but is merely reincarnated from the gods [like Zeus and everybody]. The trail was again tense. It still reminds me of JAG in space. Then the riot in the courtroom because Baltar is not guility. Okay, then four of the final five appeared to be revealed. I'm not so sure but this is BSG so almost anything can happen.
Then darkness or a blackout.
Probably the biggest shocker was Starbuck coming back and Lee kind of sitting there dumb. Kara? Then the Don't worry, Lee it's really me. I've been to Earth. I know the way. I'll take us there. Then the camera zooms all the way out of the nebula and zooms back in on the lovely blue planet that the 13th colony settled on. Earth. Such an awesome episode.
Goodness, I feel all giddy like I use to after a new episode of Farscape or watching the Lord of the Rings movies when they were still coming out. Some people might think I'm weird for acting all excited after seeing a new episode or movie that I've been really excited about seeing.
Anyways, I've been putting off writing the fic I've been promising myself for the past few weeks. I think I finally have enough inspiration to actually start writting it. Speaking of writing. I got done with my Awakening paper. At an astounding 10.5 pages (not including the works cited). Works cited page makes it about thirteen pages. 3,386 words. My second longest paper, ever, falling shortly behind my longest paper written on Anna Karenina at a total of 3,534 words. My longest story is somewhere around 9,535 words after about two years of work on it.
Enough rambling. I need to go to bed. Now if only they would set a release date for the Season 3 DVDs...