new column: home macgyver'ing for the lazy

Jan 11, 2009 17:04

why is it that so many great ideas start with or in the shower? i'm wondering if i should go back to showering 3 or 4 times a day, just for the great ideas.

... so i thought i'd post them because its amazing what you can do with what you already have on hand, even though it sometimes seems... wrong. like today... i couldn't stop laughing at the fact i was spraying pam cooking spray into my belly button... ok wait. back story: i found an old box of waxing strips and decided to wax my belly. but 1/2 way through the process, i dropped the little blue bottle of wax remover on the bathroom floor and it shattered. confident that there was some mineral oil in the spare bedroom, i cleaned the floor and continued. only to find that the mineral oil bottle was bone dry empty. what other oil is in the house? a little bit in a cup that i was saving for popcorn, and a can of pam. pam wins.

kids: pam WILL remove wax. sorta makes you feel all buttery and nervous for sudden cannibal attacks, but it washes away easily with soap. cost of materials: $0, since i didn't have to run out and buy mineral oil that would have then sat on a shelf unused until i accidentally knocked it on the floor and broke the bottle.

... next: i always have issues cleaning soap scum off the inside of the shower. i HATE it. sprays sorta work, but usually only if there's nothing there to begin with - "mist" my ass, that shit doesn't work. so you resort to something heavy duty with lots of elbow grease...

but wait! magic eraser + toothpaste! shines glass up nice and fast, with very little actual scrubbing. i usually do it while i'm taking a shower even. extra convenient. this works best on glass/tile; for the bathtub itself, the plastic containers that venus razor replacement heads come in are PERFECT for scraping away dry soap scum. these containers are finger sized with curved edges that will rock the concave corners of the bath tub. i suppose a small plastic ice scraper with some curved and some flat edges would do pretty well too.

now you all probably know way more about my shower than you ever really wanted to. haha. i win.

and to top it off, i've crosswired my old mixer and pioneers into my computer stereo, so i can play everything in ear blistering surround. B00SH!


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