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Jan 01, 2011 21:30

Hey, there!

This is my writing journal: it is for fanfiction, fandom and related discussion. Please do feel free to friend!

My non-fandom journal: dreams_of_all
Fanfiction.net profile: Dreaming of Everything
DeviantART: Dreams-of-All

Current Multi-Chapter Projects
AU, 2007 movie. In the post-apocalyptic world of 2051, the Autobots land. They are alone. The remains of humanity is scattered and marginalized. They have no leads on the location of the Allspark. And what happens when the Decepticons following them land...? (Started February 2008)
2051, Prologue: The Ocean's Rising Fever
2051, Chapter 1: Halley's Comet
2051, Chapter 2: Maples
2051 at FFnet

Blurred Lines
2007 movie. Isolated and desperate, two teams, one Autobot and one Decepticon, were forced to merge. With a new threat headed to earth after them, how hard can a little trust be? The survival of humanity might hang in the balance. Gen, ensemble, G1 chars. (Started June 2008)
Blurred Lines 1
Blurred Lines 2
Blurred Lines 3 part 1 part 2
Blurred Lines at FFnet

Different Directions
07. It had started as an experiment: Starscream needed a human subject to observe and then manipulate. Somehow, things went wrong. He wasn't supposed to get attached. And he didn't care about the thing. Really.
Hope had thought of herself as average until she was nearly killed, twice, by a giant space alien robot who had pretended to befriend her. And then, after that, things got weird. Could she trust him? Probably not. But would she? Maybe. (Started May 2009)
Different Directions: Leaning Away 1
Different Directions: Leaning Away 2
Different Directions at FFnet

Difficult Things
G1. Hound's realized Sunstreaker is watching him, which is kind of unnerving, really. Sunstreaker is convinced he wants absolutely positively nothing to do with Hound. Sideswipe's amused. Bumblebee's bemused. Everyone else is clueless--so far. HoundxTwins (Started May 2008)
Difficult Things 1: Absolutely Not In Love
Difficult Things 2: Personality Conflicts
Difficult Things 3: In the Dark
Difficult Things 4: Little Details
Difficult Things 5: Patience
Difficult Things at FFnet

Getting to Know You
2007. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker have arrived on earth. That means that all they need to do is track down Optimus Prime, get rid of the pack of Decepticons after them and not scare the local wildlife. That should be easy, right? No pairings. OC and Sunstreaker-centric, but only marginally. Ensemble. (Started August 2007)
Getting to Know You 1
Getting to Know You Chapter 2 part 1 part 2
Getting to Know You Chapter 3
Getting to Know You Chapter 4 part 1 part 2
Getting to Know You Chapter 5 part 1 part 2
Getting to Know You at FFnet

Sheer Dumb Luck
2007. The Constructicons found Ratchet and asked him to repair their sixth gestalt member. He couldn't say no, although he knew he needed to. Forced into an uneasy truce, he's almost starting to get attached... (Started June 2008)
Sheer Dumb Luck 1
Sheer Dumb Luck 2
Sheer Dumb Luck 3
Sheer Dumb Luck 4
Sheer Dumb Luck 5
Sheer Dumb Luck 6
Sheer Dumb Luck 7
Sheer Dumb Luck 8
Sheer Dumb Luck 9
Sheer Dumb Luck 10
Sheer Dumb Luck 11
Sheer Dumb Luck 12
Sheer Dumb Luck at FFnet
A side story that goes between chapters 9 and 10, Little Comforts, can be found here and here.

Who You Are (In High School
2007. Trent knew that something was off about Sam, so he decided to find out what. Unluckily for him, he did. Things are getting dangerous again, with the humans and Autobots fighting for their lives, and things are changing, especially for Trent. MilesTrent. (Started December 2007)
Who You Are (In High School) 1: Accidentally Involved
Who You Are (In High School) 2: Settling In
Who You Are (In High School) at FFnet

Gundam Wing:
A retelling of Beauty and the Beast. When someone stumbles into an enchantment hidden deep within a forest, he trades his life for the lives of one of his slaves... 1x2 shounen ai (slash). Other characters included. (Started January 2006)
Lovely 1
Lovely 2
Lovely 3
Lovely 4
Lovely 5
Lovely 6
Lovely 7
Lovely 8
Lovely 9
Lovely 10
Lovely 11
Lovely at FFnet

Completed Multichapter Stories
Final Fantasy VII
To Death
Cid is getting older, and Vincent isn't. (Completed July 2007)
To Death 1: Before Death
To Death 2: Up To Death
To Death 3: At Death
To Death 4: After Death
To Death at FFnet

Love, and Other Mistakes
Hanako is in love with Kagome who is, unfortunately for her, in love with Inuyasha. She's also straight, which really isn't helping. (Completed May 2007)
Love, and Other Mistakes 1: Realization
Love, and Other Mistakes 2: Meetings
Love, and Other Mistakes 3: Dealing
Love, and Other Mistakes at FFnet

Alien and Alien: Not Over Yet
2007 movie. The defeat of Megatron and the defense of earth has left everyone the chance to relax a little. Now, if only that was all that was out there... Action/Adventure, non-pairing or gen fic, with canon mentions of SamMikaela. OCs, full cast/ensemble. No G1 characters. (Completed March 2008)
Alien: 1
Alien: 2
Alien: 3
Alien: 4
Alien: 5
Alien: 6
Alien: 7
Alien: 8
Alien: 9
Alien on FFnet
Alien: Not Over Yet:
Oneshot continuations of Alien. Involves OCs and, now, G1 characters. Story 1: Keats had really expected the end of Brazil to be the end of it all. He was wrong. But helping Bluestreak get in touch with the other Autobots will be easy, right?
Story 2: Coldfront’s disappeared, and Irene’s worried. Thankfully, Skywarp and Thundercracker are willing to help, so it’s off to Alaska. But, as always, things might be a bit more complicated than they seem…
Not Over Yet story 1 part 1 part 2
Not Over Yet story 2 part 1 part 2
Alien: Not Over Yet on FFnet

And Eyes That I Might See
2007 movie. The Autobots get cornered in a canyon after a Decepticon attack, along with a handful of humans. Unfortunately, Amanda is blind, making things a little harder for her. How's a girl to manage when she can't even see the giant robot aliens who rescued her? (Completed March 2009)
And Eyes That I Might See 1
And Eyes That I Might See 2
And Eyes That I Might See 3
And Eyes That I Might See 4
And Eyes That I Might See 5
And Eyes That I Might See 6
And Eyes That I Might See 7
And Eyes That I Might See 8
And Eyes That I Might See 9
And Eyes That I Might See at FFnet

--Gen, OC, 1st person-- I expected to live an ordinary life: I was wrong. I was kidnapped, captured, by Decepticons. They needed a human hostage. I knew I was going to die. I didn't know when. And I lived with that... It changes you. This is my story. (Completed June 2008) (Technically a oneshot, but long enough that I included it here.)
Enough part 1
Enough part 2
Enough part 3
Enough at FFnet

Yu Yu Hakusho:
Accidents and Aftermath
When Hiei is poisoned, causing temporary insanity, he severely wounds Botan, who's now comatose, hovering on the brink of death. This fic is a series of onesided conversations between the two as Hiei deals with his emotions, and then the aftermath. (Completed October 2007)
Accidents and Aftermath part 1
Accidents and Aftermath part 2
Accidents and Aftermath part 3
Accidents and Aftermath part 4
Accidents and Aftermath part 5
Accidents and Aftermath part 6
Accidents and Aftermath part 7
Accidents and Aftermath part 8
Accidents and Aftermath part 9
Accidents and Aftermath part 10
Accidents and Aftermath part 11
Accidents and Aftermath part 12 (at FFnet)
Accidents and Aftermath part 13 (at FFnet)
Accidents and Aftermath at FFnet

AU HieiBotan fic. Hiei, a mass murderer who now regrets his acts, is being held captive in a stone tower by King Enma for political reasons. Botan, a witch in training, crashes through his window to escape from a mob that wants to burn her. (Completed March 2006)
Captive 1: Beginnings
Captive 2: Realizations
Captive 3: Understanding
Captive 4: Peace
Captive 5: Acceptance
Captive 6: Endings
Captive at FFnet

It's Raining
Hiei, via an interesting mating instinct, has fallen in love with Botan, who doesn't know quite what to think. Yet. (Completed August 2005)
It's Raining part 1
It's Raining part 2
It's Raining part 3
It's Raining part 4
It's Raining part 5
It's Raining part 6
It's Raining part 7
It's Raining at FFnet

Avatar: the Last Airbender:
- Fire and Ice (At FFnet)
Zutara poemfic to Robert Frosts' Fire and Ice. (Posted July 2006)
- Kristy Goes to the Avatar World (At FFnet)
Kristy's fallen into the Avatar world and finds out that she's a spirit-bender! Will Zuko let her help him? Well, no. Unfortunately for her, the Laws of Canon are in working order today... (Parody) (Posted July 2006)

- A Listening Silence (At FFnet)
Zaraki Kenpachi's found himself listening more and more often since his fight with Ichigo, and dealing with the thoughts that come from that. Yachiru and Zaraki-centric, gen. (Posted October 2006)
- Babies: A User's Guide (At FFnet)
Well, Zaraki Kenpachi had to learn to take care of Yachiru somewhere, after all. (Posted February 2007)

Final Fantasy VII:
- Custody Issues (At FFnet)
Vincent's suing for custody of Sephiroth. Wait, what? (Posted February 2007)

Fullmetal Alchemist:
- An Introduction to a Partnership (At FFnet)
How Lust met Gluttony, challenges were overcome and a partnership was formed. My own take on how the parent/child relationship they have came about. (Posted April 2007)
- Mothering (At FFnet)
Lust, after all, is just an out-of-control desire for sex, and the primary function of sex boils down to babies. All things considered, it's not all that surprising that Lust ended up watching over Gluttony. (Posted May 2007)
- Sunlight (At FFnet)
Lust took on the persona of Solaris and fell in love with Jean Havoc, who fell in love with the one side of her he knew. (Posted August 2006)

Kingdom Hearts:
- If I Were, If I Weren't (At FFnet)
Life's a bit confusing, and notlife is even more confusing, and really, Demyx thinks everyone might just be plain wrong, himself included. (Posted May 2007)

- Deductive Reasoning (At FFnet)
ShinoHinata. Hinata figures it out before Shino does. (Posted January 2007)
- Friendship (At FFnet)
When Ino realized she liked Sakura as more than a friend, her first instinct was to get aggressively heterosexual at her. Slash of the InoSakuraIno variety. (Posted August 2006)
- Guilt and Sand and Prequel to Guilt and Sand (At FFnet)
Guilt is a hard thing to deal with, and ninja have more than their fair share. "When they kiss, Gaara's sand hovers around them..." (Lee/Gaara, Gaara/Lee) (Posted July 2006 and April 2007)
- I Understand (At FFnet)
ShikamaruChouji. The best thing about knowing somebody for long enough is that you start to understand them, no matter what actually gets said. (Posted February 2007)
- Just Because (At FFnet)
Shino hates Kiba's pack status mentality, his attempts at dominance, so when Kiba kisses him, Shino kisses back. ShinoKiba or KibaShino. (Posted June 2007)
- Mornings (At FFnet)
Because Gaara is always there in the mornings. Gen sandsibs bondingfic. (Posted February 2007)
- War's Diplomats (part 1) (part 2) (At FFnet)
The fight against the Akatsuki forced the hidden villages to ally, and the bonds formed by fighting together are hard to break. Now they need to hammer out peacetime treaties, and the diplomats aren't necessarily old friends... (Posted July 2007)

- Artistic Merit (and at FFnet)
2007. Sam is introduced to Autobot art. He's kind of weirded out. It's cultural. Gen. (Posted August 2009)
-Chaperone at FFnet
2007. Capt. Lennox's daughter is out of control, so he asks Ironhide to serve as a chaperone for her dates. Of course, Annabelle's not aware of that... Gen, attempted rape scene. (Posted July 2007)
- Little Comforts (and at FFnet)
2007. A quiet moment with Ratchet and Scavenger--things settling, things becoming more certain. Time spent together. Sidestory to Sheer Dumb Luck that takes place in-between chapters nine and ten, written for Neurquadic for the fanart she drew me. Slash, implied poly, PG/K+. (Posted August 2009)
- Macroeconomics (At FFnet)
TFA. The robotic revolution left millions of people unemployed and with no prospects, something Sari's never realized, sheltered by her father. That changes when she goes to the park with Prowl and ends up in a conversation with a homeless man... (Posted October 2008)
-No Regrets at FFnet
2007. The lives of Sam, Mikaela and Bumblebee, the way they're tied together, and their ends. Sam/Mikaela, possible hints of Sam/Bee/Mikaela, a look at love and the ties that bind. Third place winner at tfic_contest. (Posted October 2008)
-Purpose at FFnet
Scorponok was left stranded and half crazed in the desert, with nothing but his own scattered thoughts until he found a group of children, slowly dying of exposure... A look at broken things and the ties that bind. (Posted November 2007)
- Two in the Morning (At FFnet)
2007. An early morning conversation between Sarah and Ironhide. Sarah wants Ironhide to get some rest. Ironhide wants Sarah to go away. Sarah's clinging to whatever she can while Ironhide pushes everyone away. There's a resolution to be reached. Maybe... (Posted April 2009)

Yu Yu Hakusho:
- Watching (At FFnet)
Hiei's gotten into the habit of watching Botan, something she's totally unaware of... Onesided dark Hiei/Botan. (Posted August 2006)
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