Btvs/Ats, Heroes + Tinman Fanfiction 08-11

Mar 01, 2015 13:04

Fanfiction 2008-2012

List for 2008 - 11


1. Deception  Sylar / Candice, Eden - R   -  ( Read.. )
2.  Disclipine  -   Sylar / Jessica - nc-17-  .Link )
3.  Darkness - Sylar / Maya  -  pg-13   ( Fic Here )
4. Time & Again - Sylar / Maya - pg-13 -  ( Fic )
5. Redemption - Sylar / OC -  R -  :Prolugue Here | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |  Epilogue |
6.  Belong to me - Sylar / maya - R -  ( Click her )
7.  Truth - Adam / Elle - pg  click here )
8.  Judgement, - Adam - pg - judgemen
8. )Darkness Falls, Sylar/Maya  
Click here for chapter 

Fanfiction Not Completed

1. Evolution -  pg-13- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Not completed
2.  Strangers - Scarlet , Sylar - R - Chapters:  Bio | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4  Not completed


1. Are art work will be posted at my new site

Heroes Music Video's Click here to view Youtube site

Buffy Ats/Btvs fanfic

Btvs/Ats Dark Times fic - Ch 1-24 ( Click Here Story   Completed

ForBidden Love Ch 1 - Not completed  Click here for story

Music Video
Buffy Angel I'll come for you- Click here to view)

Buffy Angel, Don't let me be the last to know - Click here to view

Wallpaper based on story and manips

Click here to viewr

All manips and Wallpapers here

Smallville- Caught with consequence- Click here to read Vampire Diaries/ BTVS- What goes around comes around- Click here to read TINMAN FICTION 1. Az - Zero  - Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 45 | 6 | 7 | 8  Completed Banners  1.  Az & Zero New site for art is here Credit or ask if you take any banners, wallpaper, fanfiction from me.Please

complete list of fanfiction

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