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Jul 21, 2005 21:45

I dont care what anybody says, HBP rocked. Helluva lot better than OotP. I actually turned the page more than once without yelling at Harry to shutthefuckup. Ginny has become my hero. I absolutely LOVE the girl. So feisty. And I have become a glorified H/G shipper :) (SPOILER) I cant fucking believe Dumbledore is dead and that Snape is the half blood prince. NEVER saw either of those coming. Next book is definitely about the trio taking off after those remaining Horcruxes. No Hogwarts :( Its gonna be one friggin long book though cuz there was still, what, 4 more they had to find. And those 3 are not nearly smart enough to find them that fast. Look how long it took Dumbledore to find 1. Jasmine.. the character assassination or whatever it was you were talking about.. was that about Snape being evil? Or what were you talking about? I have to give it up to the HP fans because they are mad smart. Or I'm just really dumb. Anyways, here are some things that I read that people had posted that just made me go *smacks self in head* NO SHIT!!

hogwarts_grads  by 

Why did Dumbledore, in his dying hours, ask specifically for Severus? And why the "pleading" tone when he arrived amidst the deatheaters?

Because: Severus is a Legilimens and an Occlumens and none of the other people present were.

They say again and again, Dumbledore hinted that he had an ironclad reason to trust Snape.

Dumbledore has never been wrong before, has he? Even with young Tom Riddle, he knew that there was something off about him from the first time he met him, but for some reason he never had that with Severus. He trusted him, and when Severus came to him he continued to trust him, almost more than anyone other than himself.

I think we can't throw away his judgment so readily just because of the events that occured. Death was always a very, very real possibility for Dumbledore, and I'm sure he discussed it with Severus at some point.

My personal belief, until I have finished reading the seventh book, is that there is still something to the Snape story that we don't know. Dumbledore couldn't have possibly expected Severus to save him in that last scene, with a bunch of angry deatheaters around him. It is more important to kill Voldemort than to save Dumbledore, and I think that the reason he gave Severus that look was to convey the message via legilimency that he should continue the battle as a double-agent.

Though obviously Snape will not be taking any direct orders or even corresponding with the Order anymore, I think in the final battle he will turn against Voldemort to help Harry kill him. And obviously, Severus could not perform such a crucial role if he's dead, which he would be by breaking the Unbreakable Vow.

I think Dumbledore told Severus that he should finish him off to save himself and, indirectly, to save Harry.

Even Bellatrix doesn't trust Snape, and if Snape performed as a spy in the first war, he obviously has lied to Voldemort before and would have been doing it convincingly enough to become his right-hand man again.

I knew from the moment the Half-Blood Prince was scribbling over potions notes that it was Snape. Well, I had a very strong suspicion at least. I still can't bring myself to believe that Snape is evil, so I very much enjoyed the revelation that he was Potions genius awesomeness. He didn't kill Harry at the end, either, which I think was either a show of terrible self-restraint (if he is evil), or he's just not a killer... of the unwilling.

Strange, I thought that when Dumbledore was drinking that potion, he was probably reliving some horrible memory that had been put in. Now think, it was a potion, right? And Snape was and is Voldemort's right hand man, right? What would be to stop him from assisting with the Horcrux assemblation thing? That might have been one of his memories, and it might have been a deatheater memory. It might have been one that Severus had shared with Dumbledore before, with those inner thoughts and horror, which would indeed be an ironclad reason for Dumbledore to trust him, wouldn't it?

These thoughts are all kind of disjointed, but it boils down to this: I still hold that Severus isn't evil and that in the next book he will be granted mercy.

And for the record, despite Harry's thoughts on the subject, I still really think it would have been impossible for Severus to have known that the prophecy had to do with James Potter. Even though he heard the first part of the message, the prophecy itself never gives any names, so it would be only after delivering it to the Dark Lord that he would have known who it related to. It wasn't a premeditated attack against James Potter. Though even I doubt how sympathetic Severus would have been that James was killed.

Anyway, I should be sleeping. I have to go back to camp tomorrow.

I love you Severus. Please don't turn out to be evil. Help Harry kill Voldemort at the end. Thank you, goodnight.

Like, woah. Never would have occured to me.

And on the R.A.B... I was trying to be all Sherlock Holmes-ey going, hmmm.... R... Ron, no wait, there is no way. Remus, DAMN, no freakin way. Who else has one of those initials? GAH!! WHO IS R.A.B?!?!?!?!!!?!??!??? And then I read this.

Also posted at hogwarts_grads by countessmorgana

Is anyone else picking up similarity vibes between Regulus Black and Draco Malfoy? They both seem like they didn't really know what they were getting into, nor do they both seem to be entirely loyal to Voldie. I don't know, maybe I've been thinking about this too much :p

In line with a lot of others, I am not sure what to make of the book at all. I was shaking when I finished it, but felt that...there was something missing. It doesn't seem like Harry has enough information to go on alone :(

Lastly: AWWWW Tonks and Lupin!! (As I said in another comment, this does however seem to put a dampner on the SB/RL shipping!) And WTF is with Spiderman!Harry? It's not like Ginny hasn't faced the Dark Side willingly before.

Here are some comments to this post

2005-07-17 13:28 (link) I think Regulus Black will turn out to be "R.A.B".
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2005-07-17 13:35 (link) Oh my god, you are so right. I've been trying to figure that out endlessly, to no avail. I praise you!
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2005-07-17 13:47 (link) I remember reading the Sirius & Regulus have an uncle or grandfather or something whose name began with an "A". I'd have to go loom it up, but I bet it's going to turn out to be Regulus's middle name.
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2005-07-17 14:00 (link) You mean Uncle Alphard, who ended up leaving Sirius a lot of gold? Hey, that's an idea! Nice one! :)

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2005-07-17 14:04 (link) That's the one I meant! Thanks!
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2005-07-17 20:58 (link) Yeah that's exactly what i think.
But why would Dumbledore (god rest his soul) have only just discovered where the horcrux (i swear I'd heard of them before this book) USED to be, because regulus died ages ago.
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2005-07-17 14:11 (link) hes already dead. what would he have done with the real necklace?
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2005-07-17 14:31 (link) The real necklace could be somewhere in Grimmauld place. Maybe one of the items Kreacher is hiding, although Kreacher probably wouldn't know what it was.
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2005-07-17 14:40 (link) Maybe it's that locket no one could get open while cleaning the drawing room in the Black house.

Geniuses. Pure Geniuses. Nothing more to say.

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