Movies I'm looking forward to seeing:
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - this one looks HILARIOUS. Check it out.
The Blackwaters of Echo's Pond - This one twinges my old school horror movie bone.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice - This looks like a cool re-imagining of the Disney original.
Iron Man 2 - Duh
Prince of Persia the Sands of Time - I liked the game and the world, so I'll give this one a chance.
The Other Guys - This is a maybe, it looks like it could be funny.
Beastly - This one looks like an interesting concept of Beauty and the Beast. Might be worth while. Hell, it may be a good date movie.
Splice - This looks like a pretty cool horror/thriller/monster movie. Might be worthy.
Predators - You can never go wrong with Predators. This one looks awesome.
The Last Airbender - I am a big fan of the series. Shamalamadingdong better not screw this one up.
The Expendables - Just the cast alone means this one is going to be one hell of an action rollercoaster. I'm in.
Jonah Hex - A Wild West superhero type movie. Sounds like fun. Though maybe Megan Fox got some acting lessons.
The Karate Kid - Jackie Chan. Nuff said.
Robin Hood - I've always been a big fan of Robin Hood. So I'll go check this one out.
The A Team - Should be good for some explosions, actions, and one liners.
I'm sure I missed a few. I can drudge them up later. But these all look interesting at least for me. Thought I'd share.