[20:21] dream_departed: Aya-chan had been unusually cheerful throughout her shift. Enough to draw suspicious glances from Kakyou. It was probably less than a surprise when she grabbed Kakyou by the arm after he had locked up the Kitten for the night and insisted, "Come up to my room."
[20:24] broken_dreaming: Kakyou quirked an eyebrow at her, a faint smile curving his lips. It wasn't exactly unusual for her to haul him around at times. Though he was a tiny bit wary after all the worrying cheerfulness. "Alright, Aya-chan. You know I'm always willing to visit with you."
[20:29] dream_departed: Aya-chan smiled more broadly. She tugged him behind her up the stairs and into her room. She did not let go until she pushed him down on the couch.
Aya-chan slammed the door behind her and hopped on the couch. She tossed a letter at him. The letter had already been opened.
"Read it." When he did not read it fast enough she added, "It is my acceptance letter to the University of !@#@$."
[20:35] broken_dreaming: Kakyou paused in his beginning skim of the letter at her words, almost froze. He took a moment to search through the text and confirm it. Somehow seeing it on paper made it seem more real.
College. Away to college. He'd known of the possibility, but he'd just...not thought about it. Hadn't wanted to think about it, he supposed.
His smile was warm, but very faintly edged with sadness. Kakyou pulled her close and laid a soft kiss on her forehead. "I'm very proud of you, Aya-chan."
[20:38] dream_departed: Aya-chan shoved her hand down into the couch cushion and pulled out another letter, also opened. "And this is yours."
A glance at the letter would confirm that it was a letter of acceptance addressed to Kuzuki Kakyou.
[20:40] broken_dreaming: Kakyou's eyes widened in surprise and confusion as he read the letter. He looked back up at Aya-chan, his eyes questioning.
"I never applied to any universities. I've never even had any formal schooling."
[20:43] dream_departed: "Yeees, but I have copies of the false i.d. information that was forged for you when you moved to this world, and they were very thorough. So I applied for you." She slung her arms around him and sat on his lap. "I think the university was impressed by your private education."
[20:54] broken_dreaming: Hopefully she would excuse him for a moment while he processed that. Kakyou's arms slid around Aya-chan's waist in an absent, automatic gesture. He shook his head slowly, in thought, not denial.
"I hadn't even considered...going to college. I never finished my private education. I was sixteen when I went into my coma. I don't know everything I would need to, and what would I study?"
And colleges were crowded. Social. Everything Kakyou was not good at. It wouldn't be hard for Aya-chan to see the worry and almost-fear in his eyes.
[21:03] dream_departed: Aya-chan leaned up to place a kiss on his forehead. "Going into a coma at sixteen shouldn't keep you from going after your dreams, don't you think?" She leaned forward to rub noses with him.
"You are one of the smartest people I know. You know everything you need to know to be a college freshman, believe me.
"I enrolled you as a prospective psychology major, with a emphasis in the study of dreams." She laughed a little at her own joke. "But you can always change that later."
[21:10] broken_dreaming: "I never had any dreams like that," Kakyou murmured quietly, closing his eyes. "I never thought about what I might want to be when I grew up, because I already knew. I was going to be a Dragon of Earth when I grew up."
His arms tightened a little around her waist, holding her firmly. A wry half-smile curved his lips. "Ah. So next time I'm possessed by a demon of Pop Psychology, I can argue with him knowledgeably."
[21:12] dream_departed: "I wouldn't bother arguing with him, he wasn't particularly frightening as demons go and pop psychology is not much like the real thing."
She reached up and gently stroked his hair. "It sounds like time to get some new dreams, then."
[21:14] broken_dreaming: Kakyou purred quietly, leaning into her hand. "....I'm afraid. I've been happy, like this. Here, with you and Aya and Ginta."
[21:21] dream_departed: "My sweet boy." She kissed his forehead. Her fingers carded through his soft blond hair. "Life changes, but no matter what, you will still have me and Ran and Ginta. That won't change."
[21:25] broken_dreaming: Kakyou rested his head on her shoulder lightly, a soft sigh escaping him. He relaxed slowly under her fingers.
"....Alright. But I hope those fake credentials are good enough to get me student aid. I don't have nearly enough saved to pay tuition."
[21:27] dream_departed: "I have absolute faith in those forgeries." And every confidence that her brother would quietly pay the tuition if became an issue. "No more worrying. Now what should we do to celebrate?"