Sick %*#@*@*@*#*#*@#*@&#&#&#

Feb 11, 2005 11:19

Newborn Boy Tossed Out Car Window in Florida.. How the hell can someone do that to a child a new born cord still attached, These people make me sick!! All the wonderful people in the world who would love to take that child in bc they can not have 1 on there own and you do that.. I am not a huge supporter of abottion but if your going to throw the child away in a bag why the fuck did you carry him for 9 months.. I am looking at my little boy and I could never imagine hurting him in anyway.. I am not a violent peoson but people like that should be tortured sorry they have to right to live if they are willing to take an innocent childs life.. What is our world coming to.. Ok I am cryin to hard to type right now..
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