And then there's this:

Jan 27, 2009 10:23

My fav new fictional realtity teevee star is so totes Olivia Palermo of The City. She is such a bitch. Spectacular, spectacular.

Gawker's sentiments, yet again match my own, couldn't have put it better maiself:

"My favorite thing this episode was Olivia Palermo, the box-faced socialite who thinks she poops designer handbags. She don't. What she do is say things like "that's really way more than I wanted to hear. We're adults. You're 23. This isn't high school" when Whitney begins to moo about the latest Male Model business. Which, buried under the pile of hosiery-colored bitchery, contains something of a valid sentiment. Except, not when Olivia fucking Palermo says. Olivia who has agreed to be on The City, a show about how the term "this isn't high school" is never true because it's always high school, every miserable day until we take our last rattling breath, it just gets quieter and hopefully less zitty and people like Olivia just go to prove that sad terrible fact."

Bolded emphasis added by yours truly because I believe it to be true and have said it before and so have other smart people.

In my next life plan transition I am going to become a surfer in some balmy temperate coastal region and also write a musical based on The City.

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