Its late Saturday night - or more precisely early Sunday morning. (That sounds so trite)
I'm tired and feel as though I'm almost in a normal sleeping pattern. I should sleep soon so as not to mess that up.
On Thursday afternoon I spoke briefly to a counsellor, but didn't go into too much depth. I'm going to call again on Monday to book an in person session.
That night I spoke with Dad and admitted to him that I'm not feeling well. I've been trying to hide my work absences from everyone, but admitted them to my dad and my flatmate.
Friday night dad asked me out to dinner. We went to a local bistro and indulged in a platter of massive oysters kilpatrick and then we both had steak. (Sarah I'm making you Kilpatrick when I get there) We talked about a lot of things. The past, present and future. Dad reminded of the time he suffered depression, and we also discussed his plans for retirement. We discussed my current feelings, and my plans for travel. We discussed plans for Mother's Day which is upcoming. It was good to be able to talk open and honestly.
Saturday morning I slept in - dozing throughout the morning. I was ambivalent about going to the football alone (Dad was playing golf - in the rain LoL), however I did go and enjoyed a rousing Essendon victory over St Kilda.
Of course tonight I was intent on watching the final episodes of The West Wing - finally screening on Australian tv. It was of course bittersweet after watching this quality series for the past 7 years. I shall be revisiting it often enough on DVD.
I'm feeling more positive yesterday and today. Although I do have a lot to catch up on for having ignored everything last week. Renewing my passport is my priority. Work might be on th cards Monday - although I make no promises. I don't want to rush back out of guilt. Wednesday is ANZAC Day, so we will see how things go.
I just want to say thankyou to all my friends near and far. I appreciate everything.