May 26, 2006 08:02
i went outside last night to grab my book from my car... no glasses.. just washed my face to get ready for bed... and i accidently honked my horn leaning in... so the neighbors who were in their yard, doing whatever, laughed. and so i joked that i was trying make new friends by waking everyone up in the middle of the night. we ended up having a nice chat tho i could hardly tell their faces with out my glasses. but anyways... dave mentioned that he hoped it was ok that he cut our grass for us!! ahhh, i hadn't even noticed! lisa did, but she thought that i did it and so she didn't say anything. but no, it was dave! what a nice neighbor. we ended up chatting for like 25 minutes..thank god i had kept my bra on and slipped into a jacket before going outside! haha.. him and his wife seems super nice tho.... yay we have neighbors!!!!