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Sep 27, 2005 14:09

Eileen Gaffney
Dr. Dorman

Through history, one has seen various products become highly demanded within world trade. Silver became a popular currency of trade after 1510 and 1532 when Cortes and Pizarro respectably conquered what is now Mexico and Peru. These conquistadores began to mine there and thus huge amounts of silver began to flow from these regions. Many other regions came in contact with the silver trade, all being affected in different ways. One has seen that at any given point in time, civilizations rise and fall as dominant powers in world trade. Chinese merchants, Mexican & Peruvian silver producers, and Spanish merchants from Spain were three powerful and dominant groups involved in the silver trade, all with a distinct point of view.
Even though it appeared as so Spain was in the driver’s seat. SPAIN- CHINAChinese merchants prized the silver trade because they greatly benefited from it.
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