Screenplay for class

Jun 21, 2005 18:58

So I'm taking Screenplay writing. We have to write a short screenplay based on a true story (a newspaper article). So, here's what Megan and I have hashed out...

YouKnowTJ02: the original story was this girl
YouKnowTJ02: has a foster sister and boyfriend
YouKnowTJ02: foster sister runs away, like usual
YouKnowTJ02: but unlike usual she doesn't come back, she's found dead in the atlantic
YouKnowTJ02: miles miles away
YouKnowTJ02: she sees footage on the news of the suspect
YouKnowTJ02: recognizes him as her boyfriend
YouKnowTJ02: she tries to confront him, but he just ignores her
YouKnowTJ02: eventually, he commits suicide
YouKnowTJ02: the night before he is found dead, he tells his father that he and his friend went to a hotel with the foster sister, did some drugs, passed out, when he awoke she was dead
YouKnowTJ02: his father then tells the friend this story
YouKnowTJ02: the friend freaks out and goes immediately to the police to confess
YouKnowTJ02: what had happened was...the friend and the foster sister met the boyfriend in a hotel
YouKnowTJ02: the all had sex
YouKnowTJ02: later, the boyfriend decides to suffocate the girl
YouKnowTJ02: he employs the help of his friend
YouKnowTJ02: so she's dead
mazeisme: whao
YouKnowTJ02: the next day, he goes to a store to buy cinder blocks and chain
mazeisme: true story?
YouKnowTJ02: true
YouKnowTJ02: he's caught on the store camera (which was all over the news)
YouKnowTJ02: he has a pilot's license (btw)
YouKnowTJ02: he and the friend dispose of her body by chaining her up with the cinder block, flying over the atlantic, and just throwing the body in
YouKnowTJ02: the body was later found by a fishman and his wife
YouKnowTJ02: the friend went to jail for first degree murder
YouKnowTJ02: the girlfriend still doesn't believe the boyfriend killed her "sister", and she doesn't believe they had a fling
YouKnowTJ02: no one really knew the motive
YouKnowTJ02: the boyfriend and the sister used to fight a lot, but that's not motive enough, especially since he was sleeping with her
YouKnowTJ02: in my story, he really likes the sister, but is ashamed because she's underaged and she's kinda crazy
YouKnowTJ02: i have the girlfriend kill the sister after she discovers she's been hooking up with her man
YouKnowTJ02: and then the boyfriend tries to cover it all up by disposing the body in the atlantic
YouKnowTJ02: he can't handle the scandal, the police pressure (after he's caught on tape), and the loss of his love
YouKnowTJ02: so he kills himself
YouKnowTJ02: the girlfriend, all the while, is trying to play the innocent, grief-striken, "victim"-type
mazeisme: wow
YouKnowTJ02: BUT before the boyfriend kills himself, he confesses to his father (or maybe the police) that it was really the girlfriend who killed the sister
mazeisme: hahahaha
mazeisme: TWIST!
YouKnowTJ02: the end scene is probably going to be her getting arrested
YouKnowTJ02: indeed
mazeisme: or you could have her getting away with it all
mazeisme: driving down some highway
mazeisme: laughing maniacally
YouKnowTJ02: lol
YouKnowTJ02: i want her ass to get caught
mazeisme: hahaha
YouKnowTJ02: but she does kinda run away in real life
mazeisme: i figured
YouKnowTJ02: hmmm
mazeisme: she runs away in real life?
YouKnowTJ02: she moves to colorado to "escape her past"
YouKnowTJ02: i don't know what THAT'S about, but i guess it makes sense
YouKnowTJ02: has a new bf within a year
YouKnowTJ02: whatev
YouKnowTJ02: i COULD do it so there's a dramatic scene where the boyfriend confronts the girlfriend about how evil she's being
YouKnowTJ02: all the while pointing a gun at her, shaking and screaming and crying all at the same time
YouKnowTJ02: in his dramatic speech he could reveal to the audience that she was responsible for the murder
YouKnowTJ02: then he puts the gun to his head and shoots
YouKnowTJ02: then she just ups and leaves across the country
mazeisme: oooh
mazeisme: i like that
YouKnowTJ02: yeah
YouKnowTJ02: alright then
YouKnowTJ02: that's what i'll aim for
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