I was trying to look for my "post Happy New Year greeting" post for 2008, kinda like
this one for 2007, but I couldn't find it. Come to think of it, maybe those thoughts never reached LJ and just got stuck in one of the notebooks I have around for the times I need to write something down - like so many other things in 2008.
I told myself at the start of '08 that it will be a year of "Blasts from the Past". Getting to see people we haven't seen in ages - old friends, old contacts, old loves. Some were greeted with a literal pounce huggles, and others, I must admit, not so much.
So, if 2006 was "Getting Things Done", 2007 was "Ch-ch-changes" and 2008 was "Blasts from the Past", hopefully 2009 will be "Balance". They're not really predictions, nor resolutions, but sort of my theme for the year.
Economists say that 2009 will be rough for everyone financially. I think it's also the perfect time for us to figure out what's important to us.
My wish then, not just for myself, but for everyone dear to me, is for us to get back our mojo, find our happy place, our bliss, this 2009. May we all be strong enough to let go of the things that we think we can't, find the courage to take that leap of faith we've been dreading to, and discover the inspiration that will help point us to the right path.