God help me, but this whole Cena + Hunter + Edge snarkfest = TEH GOLD.
Someone kill me, please.
So I skipped class today because they were filming that damned movie right in front of the building and fuck me if I could actually find a way inside, so I said screw it and decided I'd much rather spend the next hour and a half waiting at the DMV office to get the title changed on the car and get my tags and everything. Feh. GREAT.
I just realized how very close the opening of the new X-Men movie is! May 26, everyone, mark your calendars. Thank you,
comingsoon.net! I also see that On a Clear Day was released (limited, granted) on 4/7 and heee, so so good. A lovely RP partner of mine downloaded it and send me a DVD copy, and ungh, my Billeh. So adorable. Great movie on top of that, too, everyone was just tremendous, I loved it.
However. Also according to CS.net, apparently there's yet ANOTHER Fast and the Furious movie being released. Because one wasn't bad enough. Now there's one (opening on 6/16, for those of you who unfortunately are interested in this) called The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. Guys, please. Just...quit.
Oh, and also? No one needs to see a film version of The Devil Wears Prada. Seriously.
But people, come on. The granddaddy of 'em all, the one we've all been waiting for (and okay, it was totally X3 before they hired Bret fucking Ratner...Ratboy...whatever the hell his name is to direct):
Thank you. /psa>
Hee, so Billeh said in a recent interview (from last Friday, I believe) that his and Dom's sooper seekrit movie o' doom is tentatively scheduled to start filming early next year. To which all I can say is that it's about damn time, and that
standing and I will probably die of the squee long before we ever get to see it. Sigh.
The history test from hell last week actually went a LOT better than I'd anticipated. Somehow, despite royally fucking up a couple questions, I actually managed a B+ on it, so of course I did a miniature jig in class upon receiving my paper. And then proceeded to fall on my ass halfway between Harris and Corbly because me + bad shoes + gravity = WOE.
...So I've realized lately that writing lotrips has turned me into something of a potty mouth. Chelle? Did you have this problem, by chance? I used to be sweet and innocent, I swear. Honestly.