Where's My Time Going?!

May 16, 2009 00:33

Argh! I've been up to my eyes since I went back to work last week. I seem to get home from work, and then it's suddenly time for bed. Granted, I'm backshift this week and I finish work at 11pm, but still :(. *sad panda*

Since my PS3's updating and I'm waiting for it to finish so that I can finally see this week's Grey's Anatomy finale, I thought I''d take a time out to finally post a little bit here again.

Wolverine on my birthday - Fantabulous! Amazing and oh so droolworthy! ;)
Star Trek - THE movie of 2009 for me. Sorry HP, but there, I've said it! ZQ never EVER disappoints *worships*. I've also become quite the Spock/Uhura shipper cos they are teh luv damn it!

Lost finale - My chin's still sore from where my jaw hit the deck .... repeatedly! Thankfully, guys on the team at work are huge Lost freaks too, so we had a full day, whiteboards and all, theorising and having a general Lost mythology-fest.

Smallvile - I'm sorry, it's not me, IT'S YOU! I'm afraid your finale just broke my heart, so I'm feeling about ready to kick you to the kerb. What you did to Davis in Doomsday was unforgivable; the Doomsday final confrontation pitiful and damn it YOU BROUGHT BACK CHLOE/JIMMY! Just when I'd got that nasty taste out of my mouth! I think we need some time apart. We're officially on a break.

Grey's Anatomy - Don't know yet, just about to finally sit down to watch before bed!

So there you have it, my last week and a bit in bullet style. Not that interesting, but I don't have much time right now. Will MAKE time this Sunday and next week when I'm back on dayshift. Hope life's treating you all well! :D

fandom: gen, life

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