Master List

May 06, 2019 00:11

Gradually building toward a master list of all fic I've posted across the interwebs. For now, only LJ-based stuff as I've yet to sit down and gather up all the links to and stories archived elsewhere. For now, the offerings are pretty puny!



Becoming - ‘Becoming (n) - any process of change; any change involving realisation of potentialities, as a movement from the lower level of potentiality to the higher level of actuality.’ (R)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3

For You Series (in reading order)
A Family Matter - The day Claire discovered her grandmother's plan to step up her security was not a happy one. (PG)
From The Shadows - From the shadows it comes, unexpected, unwanted, but ever present nevertheless. (PG)

Stand Alones

For You - Sylar's tried so hard for so long, but she's never really understood why. (PG)


True Blood

Stand Alones

Exchange - A deeper look at the growing relationship between Eric and Sookie during their attempt to escape the Fellowship of the Sun. (PG)


fanfic: master list

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