Nov 16, 2004 17:58
Oh how I love this movie. Maybe it's because of how many times I've seen it, or maybe it's Jon Favreau's writing couples with Doug Liman's direction, but the scene progression is so natural that it's almost as if it was a divine mandate. But here's what I'm wondering right now, as Trent and Mikey are discussing why Mikey didn't call Michelle back after getting off the phone with Lorraine (the reason for this, by the way, is never revealed): What happens if Mikey never meets Lorraine?
The first, obvious answer is that he gets back with Michelle when she calls. But remember, as Rob says in the beginning of the film, they know not to call until you really forget. That's the rub. So what does Mikey do? Keep wandering around a little bitch, occasionally getting cussed out by Sue? Move back to New York? Finally grow a pair and move on without the help of a loving woman?
It's kind of sad what's become of Heather Graham. Sure, she's a shitty actress. But she was Rollergirl, for fuck's sake. There's gotta be some roles out there for her somewhere, right? Some other random Swingers thoughts:
If there's any scene in the history of film, barring mutilation/death, than Mikey leaving repeated messages on Nikki's answering machine, I haven't found it yet. I visibly cringe everytime.
I thoruoghly enjoy Ron Livingston. He's (Rob's) the moral center of Swingers, whatever that means. Unlike Trent, Sue, and everyone else, he seems to genuinely understand where Mikey's coming from, and doesn't just bitch at him like everyone else. Plus he stars in Offic Space. And was awesome in Band of Brothers. If I was a screen writer, I would write parts expressly for Ron Livingston.
Vince Vaughn was so good as Trent that it pretty much ruined his career.
To this day, I still quote Alex Desert's (Charles') "This place is dead anyway" When leaving somewhere, regardless of how "dead" the place actually is. Great line.
I started drinking scotch primarilly because of Swingers. Even though his character is castrated for most of the film, Favreau ordering scotch struck me as cool. When I can afford it, or when I can't but it's a special occasion I'll order a Dewars. Still haven't tried ordering "Any Glen", though, something to try sometime.
I guess that's it; the house lights are on, the credits are rolling, and that means time to go.