yay! job!

Jan 15, 2004 12:08

job hunting in arkansas is nearly impossible if you have no real degree. After I accepted the position to be a nanny, I found out she only had to work weekends, so I said, fine fine damnit, I'll work weekends and look for another job for the weekdays..and Do you know how HARD that search has been?! Yet I have found another job. Yes, I will be a full time ass-wiper. Actually I'm a "teacher" for the two year old class at rolling oaks daycare. So yes, I will change diapers 8 hours a day! I'm so excited!!! And heather will work with me (I hope). We are attempting to figure that all out right now, if I could ever get ready! Oh, and I've had some nice e-mails lately, thank you, thank you. And thank you to the two people who love me and post on here. How sweet.
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