It's official (sort-of) - Al Gore is on the fast track to becoming the
world's first "carbon billionaire". But did he really earn all that money ethically?
Al Gore for years has claimed that global warming is destroying the Earth as we speak and, if nothing is done about it soon, human and animal kind are in danger of fast extinction. In a Presidency where we're told that health care reform needs to be passed NOW to avert disaster, it seems like this swan song's been heard before. It's all about the bigger picture. Al Gore has for years invested in "green companies" all while pushing his theory that global warming spells the end for this world. With panic like that, people started investing tons of their hard-earned money into green products and green energy, all while Gore kicked back and continued to fly in his own private jet. How's that carbon footprint, Al?
Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" was banned from being shown in British schools by a judge of the High Court who said that it's politically biased and contained "significant inaccuracies and sentimental mush".
Here is a fantastic video of Al Gore taken to task by the United States Congress during a hearing on the Cap and Trade Bill, a piece of legislation that would cause billions of dollars in tax hikes for American families and put billions of dollars into Al Gore's pockets because of his investments into "green" corporations and products:
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