Kenneth Krause, Latest Bullying Pig

Oct 03, 2012 20:08

Meet Kenneth Krause, a personal injury lawyer from La Crosse, Wisconsin:

In his spare time, this veiny sack of bullshit writes articles for such "publications" as Free Inquiry, Skeptic, The Humanist, Freethought Today and The Wisconsin Political Scientist. One of his article is Nazism: Atheism's Bane?.

He also takes time out of his day to write hate mail to newscasters, like Jennifer Livingston of WKBT, a CBS affiliate in La Crosse. Jennifer's husband Mike Thompson, a co-anchor for the same station, posted the letter on his Facebook page:

Like any classy woman in a powerful position, Jennifer responded publicly, without an ounce of shame:

image Click to view

That should have been the end, but of course, attention-starved Ken had to respond with a statement to the Associated Press:
Given this country's present epidemic of obesity and the many truly horrible diseases related thereto, and considering Jennifer Livingston's fortuitous position in the community, I hope she will finally take advantage of a rare and golden opportunity to influence the health and psychological well-being of Coulee Region children by transforming herself for all of her viewers to see over the next year, and, to that end, I would be absolutely pleased to offer Jennifer any advice or support she would be willing to accept.
Here's a message for Kenneth Krause - your opinion is not wanted nor needed by ANY woman in this country who shares Jennifer's view. Quite frankly, YOU are in the minority. So fuck off!

!commentary, wtf, news, human rights, free speech

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