$3,000 Birth Control‽

Mar 02, 2012 13:47

I know I'm a little behind on this story, but I've been thinking about this today. During the Democrats mock hearing on birth control, a young woman named Sandra Fluke from Georgetown spoke and said:
"Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school."
I'm just curious -- is that per month? Per year? And why does the cost vary whether you're in law school or not? I understand that Fluke is a law student and may have misspoke, but seeing as how she's the former (or current if you're going by her LinkedIn profile) Co-President of the Georgetown chapter of Law Students for Reproductive Justice, you'd think she'd have experience speaking to large groups let alone the ability to get her point across correctly, especially someone seeking to become a lawyer.

I agree birth control should be heavily promoted, but I don't think there should be a mandate. People need to be responsible for their own reproductive health, not depending on others to cover it for them. Sex isn't a necessity.

Note: Since I know some people are going to ask about it, the answer is NO -- I do not agree with Rush Limbaugh's comment that Fluke is a "slut". I think it was out of line and at the very least, he owes her an apology. At the same time, I think she needs to do a better job of clarifying her points on birth control costs.

!commentary, rush limbaugh, health care

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