Virginia Wants To Get Inside You

Feb 20, 2012 17:04

The state of Virginia is considering a mandate that any woman seeking an abortion would be forced to undergo an ultrasound procedure before proceeding with abortions, including a procedure called a transvaginal ultrasound, in which an ultrasound wand is inserted into the vagina. It's not an uncommon procedure, and it's also used in cases of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or in various screenings, mostly for cancer. For the record, I'm against this Virginia law and any law that would force a woman requesting an abortion to undergo an ultrasound. Unless it's for the doctor's purposes (i.e. regarding the mother's reproductive system or a pregnancy with multiples), there's no logical reason for it.

A comment made by radio talk show host and CNN personality Dana Loesch is causing a stir, with many in progressive circles saying it's Loesch's way of insinuating that a sexually active woman can't logically cry "rape" because she's sexually active.
That’s the big thing that progressives are trying to say, that it’s rape and so on and so forth. And in fact, this big battle that I’ve, uh, totally won with Keith Olbermann by the way, like, not only won once but twice and three times… uh, there were individuals saying, [high voice] “Oh what about the Virginia rape? The rapes that, the forced rapes of women who are pregnant?” What!?

Wait a minute, they had no problem having similar to a trans-vaginal procedure when they engaged in the act that resulted in their pregnancy.
I disagree with both Loesch and the progressives arguing against her. A transvaginal ultrasound isn't rape and it's certainly not anything close to sexual intercourse. It's a medical procedure with a consent form attached. Period. End of story.

legislation, abortion, health care

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