Sen. Ted Lieu Threatens Lowe's

Dec 13, 2011 08:57

Sen. Ted Lieu (D-Sacramento, CA) decided to inject himself in the debate over the Lowe's/All-American Muslim advertising debacle by writing a letter to the CEO of Lowe's. Here's an excerpt:
I am writing regarding Lowe’s action of pulling its advertising from Discovery Channel/TLC’s show “All-American Muslim” because of complaints from the Florida Family Association that “All-American Muslim is propaganda that riskily hides the Islamic agenda’s clear and present danger to American liberties and traditional values.” Lowe’s action is bigoted, shameful, and un-American. I call on Lowe’s to rescind its action and apologize to Americans who are Muslim. If Lowe’s continues its religious bigotry, I will encourage boycotts of Lowe’s and look into legislative remedies.
I wrote a message through Sen. Lieu's online form. Of course, I received the error message that I'm not from his district, but I'll be calling his office later. Here's my response to him.
I understand that I'm not from your district or even your state, but I need to voice my opinion on a national issue with which you've decided to inject yourself. Lowe's has every right to invest their money in advertising and pull those funds as they see fit, for whatever reason. Threatening "legislative remedies" against a company that employs millions of Americans at its 1,710 stores in the United States? That's an attack against the free market system in this country, the same system that gives you the ability to even call for a boycott. Threatening legislation as blackmail for an apology is just plain stupid and makes any apology meaningless and empty. Think about that next time.
Leave it to a California legislator to make that mistake.

business, legislation, commentary

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