Meet Matthew Harrison...
Photo from
Apparently, Matthew is a 40-something producer who founded
Baby Galigo Films. Here's his bio from the MySpace account:
Matthew S. Harrison is an actor and stunt co-ordinator that has been acting for 28 years. Starting off as a child in school plays and community theatre, his first professional work came in the form of a small role in the 1983 comedy Class with John Cusack, Andrew McCarthy, and Jacqueline Bisset. While ultimately winding up on the cutting room floor, it was the beginning of a career which has now spanned three decades.
Harrison has appeared in numerous television and print ad campaigns, and voiced over 150 spots for television and radio.
His most recent Nationally televised commercial, Budweiser's Anthem was featured prominently throughout the 2006 sporting seasons.
Recently, Matthew has been enjoying a successful run of television and film roles, including appearances on the hit FOX Televison Series Prison Break, a leading role in the festival piece The Timekeeper, and supporting roles in the recently completed Witches' Night and Working Title.
As of November 2007, Harrison has completed filming on the supernatural thriller "Lonely Joe", in which he co-stars with Erica Leerhsen
Since 2007, Harrison has taken to Twitter. Last night, I got in a debate with him and two other people concerning the issue of
Herman Cain's latest accuser. I pointed out that it's fishy these women didn't come forward in 2004 when Cain was running for office in Georgia and then I asked a rhetorical question - How many women has Allred defended since she became THE celeb lawyer who haven't been lying? For some reason, that
caused Harrison to go off the deep end. I don't know if he simply mis-read my question or what his problem was, but
at first he apologized...and then the shit REALLY hit the fan.
At one point in the conversation, Harrison continually refers to the women wrapped up in the Cain allegations as "bimbos". I pointed out to him that there's a difference between guilt and innocence, accusation and proof. Any woman who IS sexually harassed doesn't deserve to be called a bimbo (and really, no woman should be called a "bimbo"). Things just snowball downhill from there...
This is one of his latest tweets, not in a conversation with me but just to show his consistent misogyny.
You get the idea. This guy is a piece of work. In the context of our argument, I admittedly
pulled a kindergarten move and
insulted his grammar issues (LOL). That's when he pulls a REAL whopper!
Yep, he pulled the "but I'm a vet" card. Sorry, I don't fall for that online because people have been scammed before, even in person. Just look up "Master Sergeant Kevin Wise" on Google and you'll see what I mean.
In looking up information on Matthew Harris, I found some pretty interesting tidbits. Take a look at these links and judge for yourself.
Villain of the Year 2007: Matthew Harrison/Matt Pletcher (Concerns lawsuits filed against Harrison)
Death Walks The Streets: The Truth Uncovered (Concerns a movie Harrison allegedly made that didn't pan out -- alleges that Harrison threatened legal action against website)
Death Walks The Streets/Matthew Harrison/Matthew Pletcher (Several forum posts from people who've interacted with Harrison/Pletcher)
Going all the way back to 2007 and 2008, Harrison has displayed the same behavior (claims of military service and generally "being a dick"). In the process of me writing this blog, he
threatened legal action against me, claiming libel, before anything's even been posted. This is why I post screengrabs and links, so people can see for themselves what kind of person Matthew Harrison is.
Honestly, I feel sorry for this guy. He could do so much more with the career that he has and the platform that's been given to him. What a pity.
As far as the Herman Cain issue goes, I'm standing neutral at this time. I would still consider voting for him right now, but that may change if evidence comes to light that the sexual harassment incidents are 100% true. This affair that's been alleged recently is no issue to me. What someone does in their own bedroom is their business, whether it's with their spouse or not. That's something he and his wife are going to have to sort out in the end.
UPDATE: Someone brought up an interesting point to me. This may not actual be Matthew Harrison, but some impostor trying to B.S. everyone and give the REAL Matthew Harrison/Matthew Pletcher a bad name. However, considering the consistency of this guy's douche-like behavior, I'll go with my gut and say it's more than likely really him.