Anthony Weiner Isn't Helping His Situation

Jun 02, 2011 13:31

Rep. Anthony Weiner appeared on the Rachel Maddow show last night to try and clear up any doubts about his involvement in Weinergate.
MADDOW: And you have been very clearly trying to bring the whole conflagration to an end. In part by insisting that you wouldn't take questions on it anymore that led to that very tense press conference yesterday. But because you haven't answered a question about whether the photo is you or not, you realize that now, everybody thinks the photo is you.

And so, where's there's smoke, there's fire. There must be a real scandal here. You must have been doing something creepy here.

Let me ask you whether or not you want to answer that question, and then let me ask you what the answer to it is.

WEINER: Whether the photograph is me?


WEINNER: Am I allowed to say I wish? I don’t -- look, we don't know for sure. The photo doesn't look familiar to me. But a lot of people who have been looking at this stuff on our behalf are cautioning me that, you know, stuff gets manipulated, stuff gets -- you know, you can change your photograph, you can manipulate a photograph, you can doctor a photograph.
And so, I don't want to say with certitude it maybe didn't start out being a photograph of mine, and now, it looks something different or maybe it was something that was from another account that got sent to me. I don’t -- I can't say for sure. I don't want to say with certitude.

I’m not trying to be evasive. I just don't know.

MADDOW: Is it possible that this started out as a private photo of yours that ended up in the public domain accidentally or at least in a way that you didn't intend?

WEINER: Well, it could be or it could have been a (AUDIO BREAK) that was that's taken out of context or manipulated or changed in some way. So, maybe it did or maybe it's a photograph that was dropped into an account from somewhere else. I mean, I can't say. I don't want to cast this net wider by saying it's someone else.

So, I’m going to say that I can't say with certitude it's me or it's not.

Jon Stewart last night assured his public that it wasn't me for reasons that are somewhat embarrassing. But I'll leave it to your viewers to make that determination.
Uh...what‽ It gets even weirder when you watch the whole segment and notice a few things:

image Click to view

Within the first minute, he screws up:
"Someone got ahold of my Twitter account...I was tweeting at that very moment. I saw it pop up, I took it down, pretty quickly..."
First he said his FB was hacked, now he's saying it was his Twitter. He also says he does his own tweeting, yet has no idea what Yfrog is? I don't fucking think so!

The reason he doesn't believe this is worthy of serious investigation is because he's SO guilty.

scandal, internet, politics

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