Lawrence O'Donnell Needs A Nap and Obama Selective Service Hoaxes

Apr 28, 2011 03:46

In the wake of the WH release of Obama's long form birth certificate (or certificate of live birth, whatever you want to call it), Lawrence O'Donnell had self-proclaimed "Queen of the Birthers" Orly Taitz on his show.

Mind you, I don't agree with the whole "birther" issue. I don't agree with everything that Obama says or does, but I'm not going to keep grasping at straws to find any and every reason to deem him ineligible the way those people have. Orly Taitz is unreasonable, but O'Donnell certainly didn't give her a fair interview. When asked about the birth certificate, she concluded that it really doesn't change anything because there's still a pending lawsuit concerning Obama's selective service registration (which I'll get into in a moment). Instead of allowing her to speak and further dig herself into a hole, O'Donnell unprofessionally screamed at Taitz until he told the camera and audio crew to just "get her out of here".

Watch the interview for yourself:

image Click to view

As for the latest controversy with Obama's selective service registration, it's not really new and there are a couple of different stories going around. The first is that Col. Greg Hollister, USAF (Ret.) obtained Barack Obama's selective service registration information under false pretenses (while also stating he didn't break any laws to do it) and states the SS number listed on the document (beginning with 042) is issued to residents of Connecticut in the 1960s, while Obama's birth certificate lists that he was born in Hawaii.

Has anyone stopped to think for even one second that the government probably put a false number there to protect the President? Afterall, I'm sure the President knows his own SS number, but hard copies of documents in the wrong hands can be misused (clearly).

The other story cropped up in 2008, when some McCain supporters were trying to claim that Obama didn't register for selective service until 1980 which would have meant he registered at 21 instead of 18 as required by law. However, what most people aren't aware of is that in 1975, President Gerald Ford eliminated the registration requirement and it wasn't reinstated until 1980. Barack Obama turned 18 within that time frame and wasn't required to register until the reinstatement in 1980, which means any rumor that Obama was committing fraud is completely false.

media, military, government, barack obama

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