People need to WAKE UP because the government currently has several plans on the table through various agencies to take control of the internet, compromising the free exchange of ideas and free commerce online that's available to EVERYONE.
The latest strategy comes from the Department of Homeland Security in the form of the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace. You can read the draft of the strategy
here. There's some interesting language hidden in the report that's worth reading:
This Strategy is a call to action that begins with the Federal Government continuing its role as a primary enabler, first adopter and key supporter of the envisioned Identity Ecosystem. The Federal Government must continually collaborate with the private sector, state, local, tribal, and international governments and provide the leadership and incentives necessary to make the Identity Ecosystem a reality. The private sector in turn is crucial to the execution of this Strategy...Individuals will realize the benefits associated with the Identity Ecosystem through the conduct of their daily online transactions in cyberspace. National success will require a concerted effort from all parties, as well as joint ownership and accountability for the activities identified.
This strategy would mean an end to the username/password system of login on websites. The system would be similar to OpenID, and The Open Group (parent company) may be working in conjunction with the Federal government on this. One of Open ID's main supporters is Microsoft (can you say MONOPOLY?), and they may also be involved in this process.
Is the government out of touch with modern technology and the people who use it? I have multiple email accounts (one of my website, one for family email, and another for email from EVERYONE), multiple Photobucket accounts...and they all have different passwords and usernames. Some people use the same system to organize between work, home, and hobby accounts.
As long as people have well-rounded, updated virus protection software, they're safe from hackers getting into files on their hard drive. In matters of secure transactions, it's up to individual companies and websites to procure security certificates and apply a secure firewall to their systems. That's part of running any good online business. We need to stop depending on the government to do everything for us...or else that's exactly what they're going to do!