Legislation Against Sanctuary Cities More Important Now Than Ever

Jun 11, 2010 22:20

The Christian Science Monitor recently reported that Latinos, both legal and non-documented residents, are fleeing Arizona now that SB 1070 is set to take effect within a matter of weeks. Where are they going? More than likely, the people are migrating within the United States.[a]

It's vital that our government work now to pass legislation against sanctuary cities, where undocumented residents are sheltered from federal laws. I posted an entry last September listing sanctuary cities and encouraging people to contact their representatives to inform them of federal laws prohibiting non-documented residents from living in this country illegally. Several weeks later, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) introduced an amendment to end federal funding to sanctuary cities. That amendment was tabled by a vote of 61-38. [b]

Again, I would encourage everyone to look over the list of sanctuary cities and contact your representatives if you live in one of those cities or if they're in your home state. Refer to them Sec. 642(a) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), which states that no government official, federal or state, can hinder someone from reporting a non-documented citizen to INS and that in sanctuary cities, state and local authorities are banned from doing so.

People need to face facts - if you're in this country illegally, you need to either take the proper steps to become a legalized citizen or leave the country.

immigration, crime

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