I don't have an iPhone, but I'm fully aware of the catalog of apps offered by Apple and other sources. Here's a list of my top five picks for Cool iPhone Apps!
5. Musical instruments - This isn't an app, but an entire category of apps. You can choose from
Bongo Bongo,
More Cowbell,
Pocket Trumpet...there's a world of possibilities. Round up a few friends, each downloading a different instrument, and create an iPhone band!
Virtual Zippo Lighter - This is a great app for all those moments when you're jamming to Bon Jovi and a power ballad comes on. Or when you're at a concert and the moment calls for it.
iBurger - You're stranded in No-Man's-Land with only your iPhone and no Carl's Jr. or Hardee's in sight. You're hungry for a Western Thickburger. What do you do? Download iBurger and enjoy your very own virtual burger without all those pesky calories...or taste. Bon apetite!
Bizarre Holidays - Everyday can be a holiday with this iPhone app, which tells you what unusual holiday to celebrate every day of the year. Example: January 19th is POPCORN DAY!
iSnort - If you've ever wanted to try cocaine without the pesky addiction and debt, then try this. It's not a responsive app. It's an app that's more of a video that you choreograph to make it look like you're actually cutting and snorting cocaine through your iPhone. Amaze your friends! Make your enemies jealous! Annoy the local drug dealer!